Well, we are officially back to school! To be honest, the first week was a little tricky for us. School started last Wednesday for Caroline, and Thomas only had school on Thursday (due to staggered entry). As excited as I am to have both kids in elementary school together, we are definitely still working out all the logistical kinks. Last week the bus arrived to our stop over an hour late each morning and over an hour late each evening. In fact, the bus ran so late on the first day of school that Caroline ended up riding home from school with a friend. I am hopeful bus transportation will run more smoothly in the weeks to come so we can get into a good routine!
It also feels really strange having the kids out of the house all day now. The scheduled bus pick-up is at 8 am and drop-off should be a little after 5 pm which is honestly the perfect schedule for working parents. To be able to cram in a full work day during business hours is SO nice — truly a luxury. Over summer it was so difficult to pick up the kids early from camp and then try to tackle projects and emails in between dinner prep and bedtime. It also made the work day feel like it was unending and I felt constantly exhausted and stressed out trying to juggle it all. I’m trying not to worry about how this will all change again when I return to the office at the end of September…
Alright, so how did the first week of school go for the kiddos…?
During her first week of 2nd grade, Caroline was really excited to…
- Ride the bus! Caroline loved riding the bus all last year (with her longtime best friend Austin) and was even more excited to ride the bus again this year because her other best friend Grace moved closer to us and is on the same bus now! And of course, she is pumped to have Thomas on board this year too.
- Pick out her desk in the classroom! On the first day, Caroline was thrilled to learn that all the students in her class were allowed to pick their own desk! Of course, she and her best friend Grace (who is in the same class again this year – yay!) selected side by side desks!
- Eat school lunch. This year the school system is providing free lunches to all students for the entire school year! While we are still packing her lunches on the days she doesn’t love the menu items, it’s sooooo nice to pack less lunches this year.
So far, Thomas has been really about…
- Meeting his teacher and making new friends! On Friday we received a call from Thomas’s kindergarten teacher and we are really excited for the school year ahead. Monday was not only Thomas’s first day in his kindergarten classroom, but he also got to meet all of his classmates! He was over the moon to learn that Henry (Caroline’s best friend’s little brother) is also in the same class too! And several of Thomas’s classmates wear glasses too which makes my heart swell.
- Riding the bus. For two years Thomas has been so insanely jealous watching Caroline get on and off the school bus. He had been counting down the days until elementary school so he can ride it too! And now our babes are riding the bus together!
- Playing on the new playground. The school unveiled the new playground this week and Thomas is SOOOOO excited about it.
We are over the moon for Thomas to spread his wings, meet new friends and learn so much this year. I remember how big of a year kindergarten was for Caroline and I know he is going to grow and change so much. I’m not going to lie though, having our littlest in elementary school has been super difficult emotionally. It feels like we blinked and our babies are big kids now. And I’m honestly so scared to blink again!
Here’s to hoping for a healthy, quarantine-free school year ahead.
Erica Cooper
Thursday 30th of March 2023
Back to school..what a precious time for both students and parents, hehe. I was always waiting for back to school. I liked school life and studying. While studying at school and college, I used the service https://edubirdie.com/write-my-speech several times and asked them to write my speech for the last school day or for graduation. It was a good idea as I had a million repetitions before my real speech. I really appreciated the opportunity to have a speech and to speak from the students' voices.
Thursday 2nd of September 2021
They are precious!! I cannot get over y'all's school hours!! Our buses come between 6 and 7 am (school starts at 7:35) and drop kids off between 2:45-4 (school day ends at 2:35)... what are y'all's school hours? They are much more my speed, ha!