It’s been two years since our sweet baby girl came into this world and she’s been melting our hearts and testing our patience ever since! She is sassy. She is funny. She is brilliant. She is loving. She has a personality that lights up a room and a smile that is absolutely contagious.
These two years have honestly been the very best years of our lives and we thank God every single day for watching over and protecting our healthy and happy “Baby Caroline!”A few things about my favorite little girl who I call “Pooky:”
There is really no greater joy in the world than watching Caroline get excited about things. Even the simplest things like receiving a “pop-pop” (popsicle) or showing off her outfit every morning and waiting for us to say “OH. MY GOODNESS! You are so beautiful!!!,” we are so addicted to her excitement for life.
We love to hear her sing Jesus Loves Me, Old McDonald, Wheels on the Bus, No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, ABCs and so many other favorite songs of hers. She is always, always singing. It’s the first thing she does when she wakes up and it’s the last thing she does before she goes to bed. It’s what we do in the car. It’s our distraction during diaper changes and so much more. Our home is full of singing all the time.
She looooooooooooooooves Mickey Mouse but prefers to call him “Miska.” She can belt out 65% of the opening Clubhouse song. She dances to every episode and participates in every Mickey challenge. It is so damn adorable I can hardly stand it sometimes. At any given time we have at least 37 episodes recorded on our DVR and although I’ve seen them all so many times I never mind cuddling with her while she watches it.
We love watching her play both independently and with her brother. Sometimes I sneak a long peak through her class window before I even open the door because watching her play is one of my very favorite things in the world. Well, maybe second to her spotting me from across the playground and running into my arms screaming “mommy! mommy!” and proudly showing off the stamp she got for being a great helper at school. Picking up the kiddos is the very best part of our days.
She loves her brother. My gosh, she loves her brother. There really is no way to describe that love. I wish I could say it’s similar to the love I have for her but sometimes I think it possibly goes deeper. She loves him with everything she has. Through her biggest meltdowns, wildest tantrums and toughest boo boos, Thomas can bring a smile to her face before anyone else can.
She is also surprisingly a good sharer (most of the time) and loves to “halp.” Nothing melts me faster than hearing her in another room say “Here Thomas! Here!” and walking over to find him surrounded with every toy, paci and snack in the house. She is such a giver, always offering a bite of her dinner to us and making sure we have plenty to eat and drink from her play kitchen.
She loves to have her pointer fingers painted when she catches me painting my own nails and blows those fingers dry until she’s blue in the face.
Recently her biggest fears include lawn mowers, blow dryers and the “vackyroom” (vacuum). For weeks she hasn’t been able to walk past the janitorial closet at school without a pep talk and some hand holding followed by a post traumatic therapy session.
She can eat a whole bag of steamed broccoli, prefers her applesauce to come from a packet and can dominate an economy size box of yogurt covered raisins within a few days.
She plays so hard she comes home with dirt rings around her socks every day. And she is the opposite of cautious on the playground. Nothing can give Matt a near heart attack faster than watching her sprint to the biggest slide at the park or climbing the rock wall. He literally gasps out loud as she jumps off playground equipment. She is so wild.
We couldn’t be more in love with our Caroline. Happy 2nd birthday to the sweetest little girl who has made us happier than we could have ever imagined.
13 months old (June 2015)14 months old (July 2015)15 months old (August 2015)16 months old (September 2015)
17 months old (October 2015) 18 months old (November 2015)
18 month stats:
Height: 30″ (5%)
Weight: 22 lb, 3.2 oz (44%)
HC: 18.31″ (57%)
Things Caroline loves:
- Our favorite time with you is first thing in the morning. You wake up super happy and we love it. You still wake up way earlier than us so we let you play in your crib for awhile and it’s hilarious to hear you babbling away.
- Singing and dancing. Favorite songs are: Wheels on the Bus, ABCs and Row Your Boat.
- Favorite party tricks: Saying “I wuv you!,” telling us sounds animals make, learning words of lots of foods, counting to “TWO” and (only two). Pointing to lots of body parts when we ask where they are (mouth, ears, eyes, nose, etc.). You are such a sponge, repeating lots of things you hear us say.
- Bows, bows, bows. A quick way to wreck your day is to leave the house without a bow. You love to point to your head and say “Bo! Bo! Bo!!!!”
- Favorite foods: Chick-fil-a nuggets, milk, ketchup, pasta, pizza, yogurt, grits, pancakes, raisins, bagels and IHOP (see here and here).
- Telling us you poo poo’d. Not before you go, but definitely after.
- On the weekends you and your daddy go to the bagel shop early in the morning in your jammies to get coffee and breakfast for the family. It’s one of daddy’s favorite things to do with you and you love it too.
- The relationship that you and your brother have is seriously the cutest thing of all time. So often we find you standing over him while he sleeps, gently patting his hand. And when he cries you come find us for his bottle or paci or blanket or anything else he may need.We moved your car seat to the middle and ever since you hold his hand anytime we ride in the car.
- You love daycare and have made such great friendships with the other kids in class. Your teachers say you are so brave on the playground and are constantly trying to play on things for the older kids. And you play SO hard. When you come home each night you smell stinky and have dirt rings around your socks. It’s been awesome to see how much you’ve learned in class and every piece of artwork you bring home proudly hangs in our dining room!
- Nap time! Hallelujah! Right now we just say “night, night?” and you run to your room saying “nigh nigh!!!!” turn on your sound machine and reach up to be placed in your crib. And you sleep for a solid few hours. It’s amazing.
- Bath time with extra bubbles! Also love sharing the tub with your brother.
- Brushing your teeth after bath time. You think it’s so funny. Still working on the actual brushing part and not just sucking the toothpaste off the toothbrush.
- Attachment to paci at an all time high.
- Sings “Jesus Loves Me” all day.
Met (and disliked) Santa for the second time.
- Became obsessed with “exploring the car” for 20 minutes before getting into car seat at daycare pickup.
- Began taking her pajamas off at night so we had to switch from zip up onesies to two piece jammies.
- Also likes to remove diaper at night too.
- Began telling us when she needs to poo poo. Loves to run to little potty, sit down and SAY “pssssss!” and then laugh and get up without actually using the potty.
- Obsessed with Kleenex and asking for tissues all the time to blow her nose even though she doesn’t need to.
- Favorite question: “What’s that?” all day every day.
- Pooped in the middle of living room.
22 months old (March 2016) 23 months old (April 2016)
- Loves putting makeup on together.
- Enjoys “halping” cook in the kitchen.
- Stranger danger phase.
- Actually starting to favor mommy at times (finally).
- But still loves daddy the most.
- Can have a semi-normal conversation now.
- Ultimate tantrum phase. Prefers tantrums in very public places.
- “I do it!” is her most used phrase.
- Can put a few pairs of her shoes on by herself.
Saturday 28th of May 2016
She is HILARIOUS! Such a blessing!
Caley-Jade Rosenberg
Thursday 12th of May 2016
What a special little princess!! Sending the biggest birthday wishes for a sassy little girl. She is blessed to have you as her Mama x
Lindsay Colvin
Wednesday 11th of May 2016
Happy 2nd Birthday, Caroline! Loved all the photos of her, she's such a cutie!
Jenuine Happiness
Tuesday 10th of May 2016
Happy second Birthday to your sweet girl. You can just feel her love for life through the photos. I hope this year is just as sweet for you all.
Elise @ Her Heart and Home
Tuesday 10th of May 2016
Absolutely precious. What a blessing! Happy birthday, Caroline!!! xx