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Christmas 2011

This year, Matt, Charlie, and I drove down to the Sunshine State to spend Christmas with my family in Orlando {in 80 degree weather}. We had such a wonderful weekend with our friends and family, eating, drinking, watching Christmas movies, and opening presents!


Here is a recap of our Christmas festivities in photos…

Mom’s Christmas Tree, post Santa delivery. 

Our first married Christmas! 

I made a delicious breakfast casserole on Christmas morning {recipe to come}


Dad with his girls

One of our favorite engaged couples, Ashley and Drew, stopped by…twice!! 

We played cards and celebrated Shanny’s birthday!

This Christmas, Dad decided to buy every boy in the family a remote control inflatable FLYING SHARK. Within minutes of receiving the sharks, they were blown up and flying throughout the house. Watch this video to see just how hilarious these toys really are…{warning, the dogs did not like the sharks}…

Hilarious and awesome, right? Here are a few more pictures of the shark swimming throughout the house…

Dad cutting the turkey while Mom prepares the rest of the feast!

This was definitely our favorite Christmas yet! I am already excited about Christmas 2012. I hope your Christmas was warm and merry! xo 

 Our 2011 Christmas – so happy!

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Turtles and Pearls

Wednesday 28th of December 2011

I can't believe your dad got those sharks for the boys! I love it! haha You and your hubby are so cute together! Love your blog. xo

Delta Daisies

Wednesday 28th of December 2011

You have the cutest family!I loved your outfit! I have seen commericials for that shark! My boyfriend has constantly been asking me about getting one! I'll have to show him your blog post ;)


Wednesday 28th of December 2011

i just LOVE the christmas card display...great idea my friend!! and yes, i'll need you to post that breakfast casserole recipe ASAP--looks really good!


Wednesday 28th of December 2011

I am loving your dress and scarf, so cute! I can never find a white dress that isn't too sheer