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First Day of School!

Yesterday was Thomas and Caroline’s first day of school in their new classes! Thomas moved up to the Young Toddlers class (Caroline’s old class!) and Caroline moved up to the Twos class. Tear!

The first day was a bit hectic as we were two hours late after noticing Thomas had lost a contact. We also missed “Parent Night” while we were on vacation so we had no clue where Caroline’s new class was located. And we forgot diapers and wipes for both kids. Oh, and breakfast was already over and C’s classroom was empty (we later found her friends on the playground) by the time we arrived. So yeah, not the smoothest first day of school but neither kid cried so I’ll count it as a success!

In Thomas’s new class he now sleeps on a mat which I always find incredibly impressive and he also no longer uses a paci. As for Caroline’s class, the biggest change is the class size. There are 14 kids(!!!) in her class now which also blows my mind. I honestly cannot imagine chasing 14 toddlers around for 8 hours.

Naturally, I snapped a few “first day of school” pics…

Caroline only snuck one contraband item past me into her backpack – my lip blam. Normally I wouldn’t care but I’m down to my last pot (all of my others have strangely disappeared) of my favorite lip balm so I promptly slipped it back into my pocket when I discovered it while unpacking her bag at school. That girl, so sly.

When the kiddos arrived home I asked Caroline what her favorite part of her first day was and she told me it was the pineapple she had for lunch.So I’d say we’re off to a GREAT school year ahead!

Essential Daycare Items (our picks!): Backpacks // Sunscreen // Tennis Shoes //  Diapers // Wipes // Triple Paste (!!!) // Favorite Blankets

Previous Posts: 2015 First Day of School /2014: Caroline’s First Day of School

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Charlers John

Thursday 8th of September 2016

I have learn some excellent stuff here. Certainly worth bookmarking for revisiting, Thank you north carolina magazines


Wednesday 7th of September 2016

So sweet! Our first day was yesterday too! But my 2 year old still has to wait another year! She was NOT happy about that!

Lindsay at Lindsay'sSweetWorld

Wednesday 7th of September 2016

It really is crazy that they can get tiny babies to sleep on mats like that! I mean, if we were at home, they would totally be running all around the house! It's amazing how different kids behave at daycare vs. home.


Wednesday 7th of September 2016

Love the contraband item. She's starting early! I'm with you...I'm always so amazed at how they can get those kids to sleep on a mat. I remember laughing to myself at the teacher in one of my son's classes when she told me he'd be napping on a mat and thinking to myself - Good luck with THAT! Naturally, he was an angel for her and there were no issues. Hope they have a great school year!!


Wednesday 7th of September 2016

Little cuties! I was floored (no pun intended hehe) when Lawter moved up in classes and was all of a sudden sleeping on a floor cot successfully as I can in no way fathom that happening at home and her actually staying put. It's funny what they'll do in groups I guess! And my chapstick collection is at an all time low, as *someone* still cannot apply and replace it responsibly if it's within her reach, choosing instead to eat it/dig her finger in it/throw it when we ask her to hand it over, so I have one or two on tall dressers only now. Toddlers... : )