Whenever people ask me where I’m originally from they always seem so surprised when I respond “Orlando, Florida.” The next question is undoubtedly “Woah! What brought you to Charlotte?” Well, the answer is…I love the mountains. In fact, I fell deeply in love with North Carolina mountains in college and even spent a summer as …
Product Review
I have to get something off my chest… I recently cheated on HelloFresh (HF) with Blue Apron (BA). Ever since I subscribed to HF I’ve been peppered with BA emails, mailers and weekly promotions. I finally caved and gave it a shot to see if I should make a switch. Before I go into a …
This delicious post brought to you by Carolina Charm partner Bruegger’s Bagels. Giveaway at the end of the post! Almost every Saturday morning Caroline and Matt go on a daddy-daughter bagel date together down the street at Bruegger’s Bagels. And as a faithful bottomless mug member, I stop to fill my mug with pumpkin spice …
Happy Friday! Thank you all so much for your blog and post suggestions!!! I always enjoy hearing from my readers and am really excited about all of the ideas you gave me! Keep an eye out for some new posts coming your way! Also, I can’t wait to check out your favorite blogs to my …
Happy Friday! {supper cluuuuuuuuuuuub} one. Last week my friend Meghan hosted Supper Club in her pretty home! All the ladies had a great time! two. These two minis…always, always playing together. Throughout the past few months at daycare drop-off and pick-up Caroline has been super territorial over her Thomas. Her classmates love baby Thomas and …
Happy Friday! Our house is finally on the mend from sickness, kind of. Last week Thomas had the absolute worst case of hand-food-mouth which kept him (and me) home and miserable from Thursday until Monday. Oh, and I had a sinus infection too. But he and I are finally all better… although Matt is starting …
We have one heck of a celebratory weekend ahead! Today is Matt’s birthday and Monday is Thomas’ birthday! one. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MATT! I LOVE YOU! two. My sister got promoted at work! To celebrate I sent a Piñatagram to her office. How fun is that colorful piñata!? And it is filled with…wait for it…CANDY! …