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TEST POST — Blog Reader Feed Kinks (Sorry)

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**Sorry for the test post! Trying to work out some kinks in your blog readers:

1. So my blog will continue showing up in your feeds (a bunch of you told me I disappeared after migrating over to the new site)

2. So you can view my full post on your reader instead of just a few sentences preview. That’s annoying. I know.

3. So my posts don’t show up super delayed. Right now they are showing up in feeds 24 hours after they are published.

**NOTE:  If you know how to fix this, please help. HA!

Oh, and a bunch of you did not know, but you can subscribe to my blog post emails in my sidebar! This means you will receive an email with my post as soon as it is published.

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Sunday 11th of March 2018

I'm not sure if this varies based on what theme you have installed, but my Wordpress has the option for full post vs preview text under Settings > Reading. There's an option that says "For each article in a feed, show...Full text or Summary."

Gentry Adams

Sunday 11th of March 2018

This happened to me when I first switched over. It took about two weeks and then it fixed itself . I know that’s not super helpful but it did get fixed!