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Thomas Dean {Five Months}

Our favorite month yet with Tom Tom, Tommy, Bubs, Bubby, Baaaaayyyybeeeeee! Thomas is doing so incredibly great. He is the happiest, smiliest baby and definitely my favorite. Kidding! Kidding! Kidding! I love them both equally! But for real, this babe is unbelievably amazing. Through everything he’s been through his first few months of life he is such a champ and keeps on shining and thriving. I am so inspired by this little 14 pounds of greatness.

Eye Health. We lost our first contact a few days ago which is frustrating because it takes us a few weeks to get a replacement made (from scratch) but we think we’ve found a good fit for now and have graduated from weekly eye doctor visits to every few months (unless we need to be seen sooner)!!!!!!!! No more three hour weekly Friday morning visits. We were also informed at our last appointment that since we’ve found a good contact fit and prescription for now we can soon begin ordering our contacts in larger sets which is much more affordable than the weekly sets we’ve been paying for. And since our insurance company has no interest in further discussing any sort of coverage for Thomas’ condition we were super relieved to know discounted contacts are finally in discussion.

Our doctor also told us Thomas has pseudostrabismus which is a common eye misalignment and often gives a cross eye appearance. Basically his nasal bridge is broader and flatter than normal so there is less space (white area) between the iris and the inner corner of the eye lid. Doctor says he should outgrow it though and is not worried.

Baby Jesus. Thomas was asked to play baby Jesus in our church’s live nativity on Christmas Eve. We were pretty excited and honored because our church is huge
(5,000+ members) and there are lots of baby Jesus candidates, but we’ve had so much support from the pastors and
elders there between all of our prayer requests that they’ve gotten to know us pretty
well. Sadly we had to decline since we’ll be out of town on
Christmas Eve but we still thought it was awesome he was asked!

Then, a few weeks later we received a call from Thomas and Caroline’s school. I suspected ear infection, fever, ya know, the usual weekly call. To our surprise it was the director calling to tell us that Thomas had been selected to play baby Jesus in the church play! He was hilarious on stage and smiled over and over. 

Five Month Highlights:

  • Twins? Without fail, anytime we leave the house with the kids we are asked at least once if Caroline and Thomas are twins.
  • Purees! We skipped rice cereal and oatmeal and went straight to
    purees this month and it has been a complete game changer. No
    more constipation issues and we were able to push bottles to
    every four hours (instead of 3) and increase from 6 to 8
    ounces of Earths Best Formula. For the most part he is just eating whatever organic packet is
    on sale at the Teeter, but I did feel bad that I made most of Caroline’s food so I steamed a bag of (pre-washed, skinned and cubed) sweet potatoes for him. He likes them. Also eating pureed prunes, peas, butternut squash, mangos and peaches.
  • At daycare Caroline’s teachers bring her to Thomas’s class every day to visit and they both love it. She immediately runs across the room to give him a huge hug and plays with him for a bit before returning to her class.
  • Size 2 diapers, 3-6 months clothes.
  • Transitioned to sleep sack!
  • First Thanksgiving and met Santa!
  • Ummmmm, still sleeping in our room (by choice). Every other day we have the conversation about moving him to his crib but then chicken out. He sleeps through the night sometimes but sometimes still gets up around 4 am for a bottle. We just started following the 12 Hours by 12 Weeks method for dropping the night feeding…fingers crossed…
  • We received our school pictures back. In perfect second child fashion we forgot to put him in a cuter outfit. In our defense we learned last minute that school pictures were the same week as my surgery so things were a little chaotic. He still rocked his photos though…

Five month favorites: Fisher-Price Lights Piano / Winkel Rattle / Links Toy / Baby Einstein Tag Along Tunes / Activity GymJJ Cole Agility Carrier
Snuza Baby Movement Monitor / Mustela PhysiObebe No Rinse Cleanser /
Dohm Sound Machine / WubanubNose Frida / Bumbo Seat / Boogie Mist Saline Spray / Sleep Sack

Thomas & Caroline at five months.



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Jenuine Happiness

Saturday 19th of December 2015

He's just getting so handsome and you can see his personality shine through in his face and smile. So sweet. Glad to hear about the contacts, and he remains in my prayers. I love seeing the two of them together too. They will be great friends!

Sara Elizabeth

Friday 18th of December 2015

Thomas is looking SO GOOD!!!! That's so exciting!!! He does look a lot like Caroline... but I'm not sure on the twins thing!! That seems a little much. ;)

Evelina @ Fortunate House

Thursday 17th of December 2015

So glad to hear that Thomas is doing well. Hurray for cheaper contacts and daily sister visits!!


Thursday 17th of December 2015

I just love these monthly updates! So glad you will be order his contacts in larger quantities soon! He just seems like the happiest little fellow! And I will be looking into that book for sure! We're doing fairly well with sleeping, but 12 hours of sleep at night would be amazing! Thanks for sharing. Let us know how it goes :)


Thursday 17th of December 2015

Oh my goodness, I love the comparison picture! You can tell they're siblings for sure!I need to give Molly Anne mangos, that was one I hadn't thought of! And I'm so glad his eyes are progressing so well!

Thúy Nguyễn

Tuesday 29th of December 2015

Bạn đang loay hoay lên ý tưởng cho ngôi nhà của mình? Bạn muốn tìm thấy được những sản phẩm gia cong inox, gia cong sat sáng tạo để ngôi nhà không bị tẻ nhạt và nhàm chán? Để trả lời cho những câu hỏi trên, bạn hãy tham khảo bộ sưu tập các mẫu sản phẩm sat my thuat, lan can sat my thuat, giuong sat my thuat, cũng như cau thang sat my thuat đến từ nhiều nhà thiết kế khác nhau để đưa ra được quyết định đúng đắn! Ngoài ra su kien quang cao chuyên cung cấp các loại bang hieu quang cao, logo, cong chao su kien, gian hang hoi cho đầy ấn tượng