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Weekend Rewind | December 2021

We had a fun and festive weekend! Let’s rewind it…


On Friday afternoon we picked the kids up early from school and surprised them with new Christmas pajamas and a trip to…

The Polar Express in Spencer, North Carolina!

The drive was about an hour so we downloaded The Polar Express movie for the kids to watch on the way (while I finished my work day from the car). We met our friends at The Salty Caper for pizza and then we all headed over to the museum for our train ride! This was our first time experiencing the Polar Express and it’s been on our holiday bucket list forever. With the kids getting older, I have been starting to panic that they are going to soon outgrow some of these fun activities, so when Michelle jumped on purchasing tickets back in the summer (!!!) I was so excited to add this to our holiday activity calendar. And it was SO CUTE! On our way to the “North Pole,” we sipped on hot chocolate and snacked on cookies while being entertained with lots of singing, dancing and a reading of The Polar Express.

The experience is about an hour long, but the trains were running really behind so it was a super late night for the kids. Both kids fell asleep on the drive home and we all slept in hard on Saturday morning.


Saturday morning Matt made breakfast while I finished up some Christmas shopping online, caught up on some blog tasks and the kids watched Christmas movies. After breakfast, Matt decorated the outside of the house for Christmas while Caroline and I baked our annual Saltine Cracker Toffee!

On Saturday night we attended Matt’s firm’s Christmas party. The party was hosted at El Thrifty and was really fun. We’d never been there before and there was SO much to do. The kids had an absolute blast running around playing all the games.


On Sunday we attended a fun birthday party for Caroline and Thomas’s best friends (Grace & Henry). These 4 are inseparable all day every day (they are in the same classes, ride the same bus, are in the same dance class, etc.) so it was really sweet to celebrate these little besties.

Afterwards I caught up on chores around the house while Matt hung our new TV (we purchased on Black Friday) in the family room. And for Soup Sunday I made the easiest 5 Ingredient Black Bean Soup.

Black Bean Soup

In a large stockpot mix together:

  • 3 (15 oz) cans black beans, with liquid
  • 1 lb. (about 2.5 cups) good-quality salsa
  •  tsp. ground cumin
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • cilantro, for garnish


And that was a wrap on our weekend!

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Sunday 12th of December 2021

Iโ€™d love to know where you found the pajamas and the Santa โ€œdancing manโ€ decoration!


Tuesday 7th of December 2021

Thank you Christina! Planning to try your saltine toffee with my 7 year old this weekend - wondering whether you use salted or unsalted butter? Thanks!


Tuesday 7th of December 2021

I prefer salted butter! Y'all are going to have so much fun baking this weekend!! xo


Monday 6th of December 2021

just love reading your blog Christina! Ive been following along since I started pharmacy school in 2010. Just a joy to read and so relatable!


Monday 6th of December 2021

Iโ€™m from Charlotte (my parents are still there) and I love seeing yโ€™all adventure in and around the area!

Would you mind telling me where your friendโ€™s birthday party occurred? My daughter would lose her mind to get to hug a llama :)



Monday 6th of December 2021

Aw! Thank you!! They actually hosted the party at their house and had A Zoo To You bring the animals to them! It was sooooo cute!!!