Happy Due Date to me! I honestly wasn’t completely sure I’d see this date since I swear I’ve run out of room in my belly. However, baby girl is so content in her warm and cozy home, albeit temporary. Just to keep things real, I have to admit that I’ve definitely found myself frustrated …
Baby M
I found an old Polaroid picture of my birth mom, Caroline, awhile ago and have been saving it to see if I would carry my baby girl the way she carried me towards the end of pregnancy. If anything, I hope my labor and delivery is as quick and easy as hers was (both …
How far along: 38 weeks…but feeling more like 200 weeks pregnant. Baby Size: A watermelon {20 inches, 7 lbs}! Weight gain: 30 lbs…according to the docs scale. Maternity clothes: So ready to be done with maternity clothes! Stretch marks: We’ll see post baby… Sleep: GREAT! I am so thankful for these restful nights. Matt told …
How far along: 37 weeks {FULL TERM} Baby Size: A watermelon {19 inches, 6.5 lbs}! Weight gain: 30 lbs, could be more. I’ll find out today at our doc appointment. Maternity clothes: Over the weekend I packed up all of my winter clothes and brought down all of my spring and summer clothes from the …
We are officially NINE MONTHS PREGNANT! Nine, NINE months, how crazy is that? And why didn’t anyone tell me that pregnancy is actually 10 months? Regardless, we are down to the home stretch and I couldn’t be more excited for these last 4 weeks to fly by! Saturday we were out of town for our …
Dear Caroline, You forever changed our lives in the most incredible way possible on September 1, 2013. I can clearly remember the shock, excitement, fear and overwhelming joy your daddy and I experienced all in a matter of seconds as we read the word “pregnant” in that test strip window (and the 5 that followed). …