I recently had a few readers share with me how much they LOVE the Hug Journal in their house! While ours moves pretty slow back and forth, it’s still going and it’s always a fun surprise when I find it on my nightstand. We started the Hug Journal a few years ago and I wanted …
We are down to the last few days of school over here which means it’s summer bucket list time over here for us! I always love to surprise the kids with our summer bucket list when they get off the bus from their last day of school! If you love a bucket list, I wanted …
Sharing a day in our life, morning, or evening routines are always the most highly requested topics whenever I poll y’all for blog post ideas. Since summer is quickly approaching and our morning routine will change quite a bit then, I wanted to share our current typical’ish routine for school/work mornings. Before I take you …
Optimizing our morning routine is something I’m focusing on right now in our home. Our routine was previously pretty good most days, but I’m excited to make it even better. I am almost always the first person up in our home, so I have the opportunity to set the vibe and create the rhythm for …
Last weekend on Instagram I shared our “Snooze Day.” While I’m still working on replying to the messages and questions I received, here are some answers to a handful of the common questions asked! What is a Snooze Day & How does it work? OK, so in our home, a Snooze Day is just our …
During our End of Year Family Planning Meeting, one of our family goals for 2021 was to carve out more quality one-on-one time with our kids. To be honest, that has been so much harder than we anticipated. Sure, we take one kid to the grocery store sometimes, Caroline and I often cook together and …
The end of the school year is upon us so I wanted to capture a “day in the life” before summer break officially begins this Friday! This was such a wild year and so much has changed since I wrote my last Day In The Life during quarantine last year… Caroline finished kindergarten remote and …
This has been such a strange, crazy time that I wanted to capture what a day in our life looks like right now. I’m actually breaking this post up into two parts because my original post got super long and was all over the place. Part one captures more of our real life day to …
I know we are all searching for at-home resources, activities and more for kids while we all practice social distancing right now. I am working from home for the foreseeable future while also refereeing arguments over snacks and toys. So to stay sane (and because our family thrives on routine), we are following a loose …
Last year I wrote a post on Our Morning Routine and had every intention of following up with an evening routine post and then it slipped off my editorial calendar (that sounds fancy, but it’s really just a note in my phone of blog post ideas and reader requests). I started to write another Day …
When I was a kid, we had a movie night tradition every Friday night at home. My mom would let us wander the Blockbuster aisles forever (even though ultimately all 3 of us kids picked the same movies over and over again), and we’d order pizza for dinner. It was a tradition I loved, so …
The most requested topic I receive has always been (and continues to be) day in the life posts! I try to write at least one of these each year to look back and see how much our lives have changed in such a short time! The kids are growing so fast and it always blows …