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Coffee Talk

If we were having coffee together I’d tell you…

Caroline hasn’t had a night terror since we stopped dressing in her footed pajamas. This was one of the weirdest yet easiest suggestions we received and I cannot believe that it worked. I’ve also been told that night terrors come and go based on development so maybe we’re on break for now. Regardless, I am relieved our little babe is resting peacefully these days again.

Moving sucks. Like, really bad. It’s taken weeks of late nights to box up our house and I never want to do this again. We don’t even have a huge home, yet we seem to have acquired so many unnecessary things liiiiiike a playstation, 35832750435 DVDs, half-used candles, so many unused wedding gifts that end with “maker” (ie: brie maker, waffle maker, etc.) and SO much more. Why? Whyyyyyyyy????

Caroline turns 3 in a few weeks and I’m planning to host her birthday party in our new house. There will be plenty of unfurnished rooms, zero crafted decorations and tons of unpacked boxes but I’m hoping to pull off a low key party shortly after we move in. She requested a “yellow” party soooo hopefully I can at least find the party box with the yellow streamers in the next few weeks…and the wine glasses. Definitely the wine glasses.

I experienced severe mommy-guilt last week. One morning at drop-off, Caroline’s teacher pulled me aside to inform me that all the girls in her class have been in the school ballet program ALL YEAR and Caroline gets really sad when she doesn’t get to go with them on Fridays to ballet class…and is even sadder when her girlfriends return to class and show off their new ballet moves. Seriously, I had to scoop my heart up off the floor and marched straight to the front office and signed her up for the last 3 classes of the year. You can find me at Target on my lunch break this week shopping for leotards.

Now tell me what’s new with you!

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Caley-Jade Rosenberg

Monday 17th of April 2017

Oh friend, I long for a real cuppa with you!I am so glad the night terrors have stopped and moving is almost over for you. Yay for parties in your new home and that gorgeous back yard. Goodness me, little Caroline is going to be the sweetest ballerina x


Monday 17th of April 2017

Moving is the worst! On a side note, a brie-maker? I need more information on this one, lol!

Sara Elizabeth Miller

Sunday 16th of April 2017

No Mommy guilt!! You're doing a GREAT job! See that thing up there about night terrors? You've been paying attention and doing everything you can about the big stuff. There's plenty of time for ballet, mama. Hugs.


Saturday 15th of April 2017

شركة البدر توفر كافة انواع قرميد لجميع الفلل والشقق بافضل الانواع والاشكال المتميزة الموقع الالكتروني:

Bekah Walsh

Tuesday 11th of April 2017

haha yes! any kitchen appliance that can only do one job has to go. we received a ton of "makers" we didn't register for and ended up regifting them to a bachelor at our church when he moved out of the barracks into his own place.