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Revision Recovery Update!

FRIENDS! Thank you all SO much for checking in on me! I have received so many emails and Instagram messages from you all and it means a lot! My procedure on Thursday was a complete success and I couldn’t be happier that I left the hospital with NO DRAINS. Hallelujah. I was definitely freaking out and losing sleep over those.

Just before we dropped the kids off to daycare on the way to the hospital Matt snapped a few pictures of me and the kiddos since I won’t be able to pick them up for awhile. I thought my lifting restriction was only going to be for 4 weeks but doctor told me SIX weeks before he discharged me. Yikes. Thankfully I’ve lined up Ms. Jamie to come help Matt a few nights with bedtime, bath time, dinner time, etc. in the evenings and a lot of my girlfriends have already dropped off some meals to us!

We arrived to the hospital and met with 9473294 doctors, answered 94382 questions (which always makes Matt so nervous), my doctor drew all over my chest in permanent marker, I got a strong dose of versed (which you may have seen on Snap/Insta — compliments of Matt) and they whisked me away to the operating room. Matt’s dad was in town for a work meeting and surprised him in the waiting room and hung out with him during my surgery too.

 Some no-makeup selfies!


Can you tell Matt is absolutely freaking out? He gets SO nervous over this stuff and laid in my bed with me until they rolled me away, per usual. And he also asks a million questions — what are you putting in the IV now? Does she have enough blankets? Is she in any pain? Will I get an update every 6 minutes while she’s back there? He’s the sweetest.

I know I already said it BUT again, I was so dang happy to wake up without a drain. It was the first question I asked and cannot explain how much of a relief that was to wake up to.

The first night home was pretty awful because I have the WORST side effect on pain meds. I get extremely itchy and want to crawl out of my skin. It kept me up ALL night too. However, the pain was minimal so I switched to Advil the next day and just felt really sore with a little pain around the incisions.

On Friday I finally ripped off my itchy surgical bra and switched to a sports bra which also brought tremendous relief! Also, I mentioned in my last update that I was considering swapping out my implants with a smaller size and ended up moving forward with that decision. The doctor tested out a couple sizes in the OR and ultimately decided to go down 55 ccs. I honestly could not be happier with the girls now. They are EVEN and fit my body shape a lot better. They also look and feel a lot more natural and that’s exactly what I was hoping for!

Overall, the recovery isn’t too bad but six weeks of back sleeping and no lifting is going to be rough. Also, I am still a tad bit sore but am returning to work today!

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Tara Smith

Tuesday 19th of October 2021

I know this was years ago for you But my Bilat mastectomy after 6 months of chemo is tomorrow. I have read tons and tons of stories and paths- I felt connected to yours snd really appreciate the time you put into this. Very helpful for me โค๏ธ


Tuesday 19th of October 2021

Thinking of you tomorrow, Tara!! I am proud of you! You've got this!!!!


Saturday 28th of July 2018

thanks to god dear his still give you chance thanks god ^^ โ™ฅโ™ฅ

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Caley-Jade Rosenberg

Wednesday 14th of December 2016

Look at you super woman!! You have done so well - sending love and prayers for your recovery x

Julie @ Just the Joy's

Tuesday 6th of December 2016

You are amazing! Such a tough Mama! Glad to hear all went well!

Trista @ The Classy Chaos

Tuesday 6th of December 2016

Yay! So very glad to hear that it went so well! Hope you had a good day back to work!