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Reminder To Schedule Your Mammogram (Breast Cancer Awareness Month)

October is breast cancer awareness month.

If you’ve been following along for a while, you know that breast cancer runs in my family and I am a previvor who is passionate about preventive care and early detection.

This is my annual reminder to all my readers (regardless of age), to please, please, please schedule your mammogram today.

And for those of you who are planning for a prophylactic double mastectomy, please get it on the books. Do not put it off until after the holidays, when the kids are older, when work is less crazy, etc. If you’re looking for a sign to set your surgery date — THIS IS IT.

Yes, this surgery is TOUGH, but you will never regret it. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made — and I did it with 14 month old and a brand new baby with a rare medical condition that required lots of treatment.

If you want more information on what to expect as you’re planning your surgery, I would highly recommend checking out my Double Mastectomy Archives:

Double Mastectomy Archives

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