Yesterday was Matt’s 34th birthday!
Y’all know I love celebrating birthdays so I had big plans to run across town to pick up his favorite booze, grab some balloons and put on makeup. Anyway, none of that happened. Caroline is still hanging out on vacation time and on top of that we’ve started a new Mom’s on Call schedule this week so yesterday was seriously rough. She refused to sleep and wanted to be held all day (and no, the k’tan wrap wasn’t good enough). Ergh. So anyway, I didn’t get to bake a cake from scratch like I usually do for his birthday (post here). However, I did have funfetti cake mix on hand that I doctored up a bit and a small stash of homemade rainbow chip frosting in the freezer.
Note: I wrote in the card after I snapped this pic to save y’all from the cheesiness. |
I knocked his gift out of the park this year. I surprised Matt with Jason Aldean concert tickets (his favorite country artist) and already secured a babysitter for the night (thank you Mr. and Mrs. Marcellino)!
When Matt got home, I passed the baby off to him and they took a quick snooze together while I prepped dinner. We decided his birthday was the perfect occasion to eat the fish we caught over the weekend instead of going out for a fancy dinner (our tradition for his birthday).
Matt’s birthday celebration may have looked a little different this year but he loved it so I’m going to mark it as a success! Happy Birthday, Matt! We love you!
jen hangca
Tuesday 23rd of September 2014
Looks like a perfect birthday! Love those cute cupcakes. Send Flowers and Gifts to Philippines
Playground Prepster
Thursday 10th of July 2014
What a great birthday! I'm so impressed you made cupcakes (even if it was from a mix) and dinner! I have a five week old and that all sounds impossible! Happy birthday Matt!
Thursday 10th of July 2014
Happy Birthday Matt! Our birthday celebrations changed after we had Noah too. And while more low key I love them. Wait until next year when she will be excited to help blow out the candles... Or at least try ;)
Laura {happily ever} Parker
Wednesday 9th of July 2014
Happy Birthday Matt!! I think you did a great job on the celebration this year!
Kiki Nakita
Wednesday 9th of July 2014
Sometimes, the simple things make for the best moments.