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New TaTas & Recovery Update!

Well, I’ve always wanted Angelina Jolies boobs…and now I have them! On Thursday I wrapped up my double mastectomy journey with my final exchange surgery. I can’t believe how easy this recovery has been (compared to the last)! 

Surgery Day! First of all, I wasn’t nearly as nervous when I arrived to the hospital this time. I was just so anxious to get it over with. However, as I was being prepped for surgery, I made a big deal about how scary it was for me last time when they rolled me into the operating room still awake. And then asked me to get off my hospital bed and onto the operating table. NOT COOL. So I said “nope! give me some stronger versed this time!” and they did. Next thing I remember was waking up 3 hours later in recovery begging for ice chips. 

Pain Management: Honestly, the breast pain has been super manageable since the surgery. In fact, when I awoke I felt instant relief from the expanders being gone. Hallelujah. I took my strong pain meds like clockwork for 2 days post-surgery but they made me itch so badly that I stopped and switched to ibuprofen. The oxycodone also made my vision extremely blurry and hallucinate. At one point I thought my friend’s car was rolling out of my driveway while she was sitting on the couch next to me. And later that day I saw my bathroom plant dancing. So, very weird.


My doctor gave me a fair warning about the tummy pain from the liposuction for the fat grafting in my boobs and I can now confirm that the tummy pain is no joke. Terrible, terrible pain and the bruising is supposed to get pretty nasty this week. But someone punch me (anywhere but the tummy) for complaining about coming home with a pinch less fat! 

The New Boobs: So I wasn’t allowed to shower or remove my bandages for 3 days but I did peek down my shirt as much as possible when I got home. Once I finally removed the bandages it was quite a shock going from expander boobs (huuuuuuge and hard) to much smaller, natural boobs. My first reaction was “did I go too small?” even though the goal was a large B cup or small C. They are also uneven. The right breast sits just a tad bit higher than the left. I’m not sure how noticeable it is to anyone but me or if they will shift at all once the swelling goes down and things “settle.” Overall I am really, really happy. I instantly feel more normal now. Although I don’t think normal people flash themselves when they walk by every mirror in their house.

I also just realized that I look naked here without my wedding rings! But let’s be honest, no one was looking for those in this picture anyway.

I have a follow up appointment with my doctor in a week. I couldn’t be happier to be on the mend and living my life cancer-free!




Other Mastectomy Posts:

The Double Mastectomy Decision

 The Double Mastectomy Surgery Details

 Ta-Ta to the TATAS party

1 Week Post Op

2 Weeks Post Op {Bye Bye Surgical Drains}

1 Month Post Op {Expander Fills}  

Mastectomy 101: Surgical Drains & Tissue Expanders {10 Weeks Post-Op}

Mastectomy Planning, Necessities and Gift Ideas

New TaTas Tomorrow {day before exchange surgery}




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Suzanne Turrentine

Monday 31st of October 2016

Thank you for all of your inspiring posts about your Mastectomy, Reconstruction and recovery. I will be having a mastectomy Nov 15th after I received my diagnosis of DCIS. I have been searching online for "real" information and you have helped me so much. I had been struggling with what type of reconstruction and appreciated your candid description of how you felt. I'm a a pre op nurse and never thought I would be the one doing this. I also appreciated your list of things to have on hand when you went home, that was really helpful. Thanks again for your courage and bravery to share your story. It made me feel like I wasn't the only one going through this!

The Girl who Loved to Write

Monday 21st of March 2016

I'm so glad to hear you're already doing so well!


Wednesday 16th of March 2016

yay for new ta-tas! you're such an inspiration!

Sparkles and Lattes

Tuesday 15th of March 2016

So glad you are doing so well after your tatas surgery. I can't wait to hear how your doctor's appointment goes.

Lauren Honeycutt

Tuesday 15th of March 2016

I'm so glad that everything went well! You're absolutely a champion and now can live a longer and healthier life for your two kiddos!