Notice anything different around here?! Carolina Charm has a new look (thank you, Blog Savvy Creative)! Although we are still working really hard to finalize everything, I am really excited to roll out my new website! My new site is running on a new framework which will improve site speed and my new template will allow me to organize things so much better for you! I have a lot of work cut out for me ahead with my recipes (please bear with me while these pages are under construction), but eventually you will be able to find, sort and filter through my recipes so much easier. Also, if something is missing from my new site that you loved about my old site, please let me know! Or maybe there’s a feature you’ve seen somewhere else that would improve your experience on my site — let me know that too! We are actively improving this little space of mine so all my readers can find what they are looking for! Also, if you haven’t already, you can subscribe by email (at the bottom of my blog) so you never miss a post!
As always, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all SO much for coming back day after day for pumpkin bread, amazon dresses, our weekend recaps and more! I heart you all so much!
Now, let’s have some fun going down memory lane, shall we?! If you’re a longtime reader, leave me a comment letting me know which website you remember from the furthest back!
Even though I was super intimidated and nervous, I switched from Blogger to WordPress last March! I used Blogger for 7 years and loved it. I was ready to take my blog to the next level with more advanced features, begin really focusing on SEO, and was interested in more plugin options and of course, lots of customization. Although my blog was no longer free to maintain, the migration to wordpress has been great and I am so happy I did it!
This one was of my favorite rebrands that my bestie, Laura, did for me!
In 2013 I purchased my domain name, which was a big deal for me! Carolina Charm wasn’t available but North Carolina Charm was and it was close enough — so I went with it. Laura knocked this design out of the park and I loved it so much that I kept it for four years and only changed it because she had an itch to create a new look for me. Isn’t she the best?
This was the first custom design for Carolina Charm. I remember feeling SO fancy when it was installed.
If you remember this design, then you are among my longest time readers! This free template is where Carolina Charm started!
Susan Kuttner
Sunday 6th of October 2019
I have been following for three years and never miss a post!!!! Your Amazon finds are great!!! Have bought so many of your recommendations and love them all. Keep up the great work!
Tuesday 8th of October 2019
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I appreciate this SO much!!!
Sam Randall
Saturday 5th of October 2019
I remember 2013. :) Love your blog!!
Tuesday 8th of October 2019
Thank you so much for reading along all this time, Sam!!!!! :)
Thursday 3rd of October 2019
Thank you for being one of my very favorite reads for several years now. I still get so excited each time I see a new post from you!
Tuesday 8th of October 2019
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jackie!!! That means SO much to me -- you have no idea!!!! xo
Thursday 3rd of October 2019
I remember the 2013 one! Love reading along! Congrats on the new template!
Tuesday 8th of October 2019
Thank you!!! A new template always re-energizes my creativity! So fun! And thank you for following along since 2013!!!! You are the best, Jenny!
Miranda Anderson
Thursday 3rd of October 2019
2013 is the oldest template I remember. That was a crazy realization that Iโve been following you for 6 years. Holy cow!
Tuesday 8th of October 2019
6 YEARS!!! It's crazy to me that I have been blogging this long too! Never in a million years did I think I would keep up with it this long and it would turn into something so much bigger than just my diary!!! Thank you for reading along, Miranda!!!!