A few weeks ago I requested your tips and tricks for making quality time with your partner, self care and travel. It was so fun rounding up your responses to share with this little community of ours…
Note: I also requested favorite easy recipes and sadly, this was a huge fail, not because you all didn’t have TONS of amazing recipes…the response box didn’t work for these. I was SO excited to see the responses rolling in until I realized that all of the links were not clickable and most links were cut off. So I’ll have to do a re-poll sometime using a different format!
Tips for Making Quality Time with your Spouse
“Mandatory date night once a month, no excuses.” – Rach
“Day dates! You get more time together than date night…and brunch!” – Darci
“Day dates! We don’t stress about missing bath and bedtime.” – Lo
“We took your advice — utilize daycare and have day dates!” – Em
“Day dates! Mid-day is tough so this way I get a reprieve and I’m not exhausted for our date” – Josephine
“Date night once a week — either out and dress up fancy or in and make it cozy!” – Caley
“Kisses every morning and goodnight. And every hello and goodbye.” – Caley
“Babysitting swap with friends for a (free!) monthly date night” – DGC
“Get the kids in bed early so you can relax or have dinner just the two of you” – Mal
“We’re into our second year of doing monthly dates per a previous post of yours!” – Arg
“I have my babysitter text me on nights she is free, then we say yes if we can. Then it’s spontaneous and stress free.” – CCW
“We go to Burn Saturday mornings as a family so I get to workout with my spouse” – CCS
Self Care
“Taking pure barre on my lunch break” – Kathleen
“Once or twice a year I book a 2 night stay at a nice hotel and get away (alone)” – Darci
“I workout at lunch 2-3 days and take morning fitness classes 2 days a week” – Marissa
“I wash my face at night and put a sheet mask on when I get into bed for the first 15 minutes” – Bekah
“In the newborn days self-care can be tough — I do masks when I pump with a podcast.” – DGC
“I have always made one Saturday a month for my best friend. Our hubbies know and expect this” – Crystal
“Take a gym bag to work so you don’t go home and skip your workout” – Mrs
“We schedule everything that includes my ‘self care nights’ (bath, face mask, tv show, etc.)” – Wig
“My husband and I spend an hour after the kids go to bed (at 7 pm) to reconnect” – Wig
On the Go Tips & Travel
“Frozen water bottles as ice packs on road trips!” — SBK
“Keep a basket of breakfast items and drinks IN the car. Saves time and everyone’s fed” – Lindsy
“Fast food drink holder as a food tray for kids in the car on trips” – Lauren
“I keep a pottette potty seat with disposable liners in my car. No more potty problems!” – MN
“On vacation, I pack the girls’ outfits in individual Ziplocs labeled with Sharpie. Easy and airporoof.” – Kelly
“Always keep diapers, wipes and change of clothes for the car. Great for when you forget.” – H
“Traveling with wine? Wrap it in a diaper.” – N
“Always have in car: bathing suit, towel, wipes, paper towels, small trash bag or grocery bag and extra diapers or undies and a change of clothes. Towels help dry wet play equipment.” — Ann
“I have a little basket with DVD’s, sanitizer, wipes and tissues within reach of the front seat. Then in the trunk I keep a plastic bin with a change of clothes for each kid in a ziploc (so I have a place for the dirty clothes)” – Rebecca
“I have so much stuff in my car- individual packs of goldfish, cereal bars, etc. and nail clippers- easy to groom when he’s strapped in.” – Emily
“When you fly with a car seat – buy a car seat bag and check it with the luggage: then you can fill the bag like a suitcase!” – Sarah
“When traveling I pack a whole outfit (tops, bottoms, pull up, socks) in 1 ziploc bag.” – Leah
“Post-it over automatic toilet flusher in public to prevent unwanted flushing.” – Megan
“I keep nail clippers in the car and cut my daughters nails when she’s asleep in the car. (perfect on a road trip when the husband is driving.)” – Laura
“I buy coloring and activity books from the Dollar Tree and keep them, along with a makeup bag full of crayons, in a bag in the car for when I need to entertain the kids (like eating out).” – Leslie
“I keep a bottle of baby powder in the car. It gets the sand off of hands and feet so easy when we leave the playground so it’s not coming off in my car!” – Katie
Have a topic request you’d love to see on this series? Drop it in the comments or shoot me an email!
Thursday 21st of March 2019
What a fun series! I love reading others' words of wisdom -- so many good ideas here. Thanks for compiling!