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Strabismus Surgery Day!

If you don’t mind, please say a prayer for Thomas this morning! It’s going to be a wild morning as Thomas and I are scheduled to arrive at 5:30 am to the hospital for 7:30 am strabismus surgery. Matt will meet us there as soon as he can drop Caroline off at daycare at 7 am. I’m a little more nervous than usual since Thomas wakes up starving and uncontrollably screams and thrashes himself around until we feed him in the mornings. So say a prayer for me too that I can keep him somewhat calm until his procedure time! And for his doctors. And for a smooth surgery and recovery.

Thomas at 2 months old! Tear!

Will keep you all posted!



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Thursday 29th of September 2016รจme Dรฉlivrande PDF La revue โ€“ Avant toi Acheter Systรจme Dรฉlivrande Livre ,lire Xavier Mendes Systรจme Dรฉlivrande eBook La revue โ€“ trouver en dehors si il peuplements en haut ร  la battage mรฉdiatique! Est il Lรฉgitime ou Arnaque?Nom du produit : Systรจme DรฉlivranceProduit Auteur : Xavier MendesSite officiel : CLIQUEZ ICI

Shayna @ The Fancy Yancey

Thursday 29th of September 2016

I saw your post on Insta... Glad everything went well. I hope he continues to recover well also!

The Lady Okie

Thursday 29th of September 2016

Prayed for you all this morning! Hope everything went well.

Laura Darling

Thursday 29th of September 2016

I hope everything went well!!


Thursday 29th of September 2016

I hope all went well today.