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Thyme for Herbs III

Even as an amateur cook I have to admit, freshly picked herbs are more delicious than anything you’ll find on a spice rack. Herbs like basil, parsley and oregano growing on your porch will not only spice up your cooking and baking but will save you oodles of cash. Gone are the days when you have to spend $4 for a
container of fresh rosemary, when all you need is a teaspoon. 

This weekend Matt and I finally planted our herb garden. Our first stop was Home Depot where we found herbs on sale (FIVE for $10)! I couldn’t resist a good deal so I picked up 10 pots of herbs (several were duplicates). 

We also grabbed some fertilizer since we weren’t planning to change the soil in our last pot. And speaking of our last herb garden, we were surprised to find that our 2012 oregano, rosemary and mint managed to survive through the winter and months of neglect…

We re-potted our rosemary into a larger container and removed the mint all together. As a warning, I highly recommend potting mint in it’s own container. Like a weed, it spread through our garden in weeks, grew down the sides and into our yard and choked out our poor cilantro. Mean herb.

Since I’ve used jumbo popsicle sticks the past few years, I decided to splurge on vintage spoon garden markers from Curbside Pickin’s Etsy Shop this Spring. I purchased 7 stamped spoons for $18, which was the best deal I found on Etsy. My package arrived in just a few days and I love my markers so much that I wasn’t so sure I wanted to stake them in dirt anymore!


I am pretty pumped about how my garden turned out. Once these suckers adjust to their new home I will be picking them like crazy.

can also find my 2011 and 2012 herb gardens {here} and {here}.


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Tuesday 16th of April 2013

The markers are too cute! Love it!

Ashley (Sweet Carolina Belle)

Wednesday 10th of April 2013

I love the markers! I need to plant a herb garden ASAP since it is warming up so much here in NC :)


Monday 8th of April 2013

The markers are perfection! It's still too cold here in Michigan,but I'm hoping very soon we can start a small herb garden,too! And you are definitely not giving yourself enought credit...."amateur cook"? Pashaw! ;-)


Monday 8th of April 2013

Enough* (darn phone typing!) :-)

Colleen @ TwoDelighted

Monday 8th of April 2013

I have a black thumb but still really want to try planting some herbs. Mostly because I want some of those herb markers. So cute Christina.


Monday 8th of April 2013

Too cute! The markers are a great touch. I can't wait to plant an herb garden. We don't move into our new home until June, so it may have to be next year. You're right MIL gave me a basil plant a few years ago and it was the best addition to my cooking!