We had a lovely Valentine’s Day weekend and now we’re back to reality! Caroline has a full day of remote school ahead, Thomas is home for Teacher Work Day and Matt is slammed with arbitration today. Thankfully I have the day off so I don’t have to worry as much about work while both kids are home. Instead, I’ll be trying to keep Thomas entertained while Caroline does school because I promised Caroline that Thomas “wouldn’t be watching TV all day” while she has to do work. I am slightly regretting that promise I made in the height of her meltdown when she learned he would be home all day with her “having fun” while she “has to do zoom school.” Sooooo if you have any suggestions for ways I can make today special for Caroline in between her meetings, let me know…
Anyway, let’s go back to the weekend…
After Caroline was done with school on Friday she made Valentine Rice Krispie Treats all by herself (or at least requiring very minimal assistance)! We packaged up a few bags and she delivered them to her friends on our street. I decided to hide the rest of the pan in the oven to save for Family Movie Night treat…and then forgot about them when I preheated the oven several hours later only to open it and find the treats burnt to a…crisp. Whoops.
Just before Family Movie Night the kids discovered that the holiday pajama fairy visited and left a new heart nightgown for Caroline and a stingray pajama set for Thomas.
For Family Movie Night we watched The Princess Bride, a movie Matt has been requesting for a long time now. Unpopular opinion — I was not impressed and lost interest pretty early on but Matt said it was just as good as it was 30 years ago.
I have to mention the pizza we ordered too!! We broke out of our Pizza Peel/North Italia rotation to try Inizio for the first time. We ordered the Pistacchio pizza and the Capricciosa and they were both so incredible I couldn’t stop talking about them all weekend. Without question, Inizio is definitely the best pizza we’ve ever ordered for Family Movie Night. Highly recommend!!
Caroline’s Unicorn Happy Napper / Thomas’s Husky Happy Napper unavailable (Similar — Shark Happy Napper)
Saturday morning I made french toast in the air fryer for breakfast before we all piled into the car to go see dinosaurs at Jurassic Quest! The drive-through experience was SO COOL and I would highly recommend checking to see if the tour is coming to your city if you have little kids. The tour took us about an hour to see more than 70 realistic dinosaurs and we learned SO much from the entertaining audio tour you tune into for the ride. And on the way out we stopped for the free photo opp! (Charlotte friends — the tour is here until February 21)
Later on Saturday afternoon I surprised the kids with chocolate fondue before dinner! It was a huge hit. And for dinner we enjoyed the most delicious steaks, twice baked potatoes and brussels sprouts from New York Butcher Shoppe, as well as our favorite kale salad from Pasta & Provisions.
After the kids were in bed, Matt and I watched Barb & Starr Go to Vista Del Mar, starring Kristen Wiig. It was the weirdest movie but kept us laughing the entire time which is exactly what we were looking for. You will either love or hate this movie though and definitely need to be in the mood to watch something silly — and a little kooky.
Sunday morning Matt made funfetti pancakes while I set up a little surprise for the kids to come downstairs to. They were SO excited for all their little gifts and spent hours coloring in their new coloring books! And Caroline was especially excited for the flower arrangement Matt made for her. It was a really sweet morning.
Matt loved the new gag-gift game I got him for Valentine’s Day. And he surprised me with an amazing new bath bomb (which I used right away), a trio of my favorite face sprays and a beginners book on meditation (my latest habit I’ve been working on)!!!
We spent the day relaxing. Caroline and I did a few puzzles together, Matt and Thomas built some stuff, I made a new soup (coming to the blog this week) for dinner and we played Charades which was absolutely hysterical.
Monday 15th of February 2021
It looks like y'all had such a special weekend!! I love the pancakes and sprinkles in the painting palette idea! My son would lose his mind over that dinosaur park, so fun!!
Monday 15th of February 2021
“My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!” Sorry I had to! So funny, my hubbie introduced this favorite movie of his to our oldest son (6) and the quotes were flying back and forth around here! Love the Valentine’s Day kid’s table, so pretty! Thanks for the rec on Jurassic Quest, I was wondering if it was good. Soup also looks delicious!