It was truly a memorable birthday for Caroline this year! I was really worried about how we would pull off an extra special day at home…after 7 weeks at home…but the day turned out truly magical…
Caroline awoke to lots of colorful surprises — starting with tons of balloons sprinkled around her room, we set out a new dress for her to wear and our yard was decorated with the most fun birthday message ever. She came downstairs SO excited.
The night before C’s big day, Matt and I decorated our breakfast nook for an extra special pancake breakfast — a birthday tradition we started when C turned 1! The tradition usually takes place at IHOP but since restaurants are still closed we decided to host our own pancake breakfast at home. We had donuts from Krispy Kreme and Matt made perfect mini pancakes which the kids decorated with lots of sprinkles and whipped cream!
Sources: paint tray palettes / confetti plates / confetti napkins / sprinkles / cutlery / birthday candles / streamers / balloon garland / gift wrap / pancake pan
One of Caroline’s birthday gifts from us was an art easel which Matt assembled the night before, decorated with a birthday message…and a taped on envelope containing the first clue in Caroline’s birthday scavenger hunt!!!
The scavenger hunt moved FAST. We could barely keep up as the kids sprinted from clue to clue. It was impossible to snap a good photo but the reaction at the end of the hunt was truly priceless. Both kids were in complete disbelief to find the newest addition to the fam…
…a GUINEA PIG!! Caroline named her “Sprinkles!”
For lunch Caroline requested rice & beans from Sabor, so we had it delivered! Afterwards she opened the rest of her gifts. Thomas was very excited about the gift he picked out for Caroline — a full kit of art supplies for Caroline’s new easel.
Later in the afternoon we had a drive-by birthday parade! I honestly cannot put into words how incredibly special this was. More than half of Caroline’s classmates drove by which was so exciting for her as she’s only seen her friends on a screen for the last 2 months. And another big surprise — her Kindergarten teacher came by too! Outside of school, we were so excited to see lots of other friends who partied on by with bubble machines, silly string, decorated signs, painted cars, horns honking and so many smiles. Our neighbors also participated on foot which was so sweet. And the biggest surprise of all — mimi & grandad drove all the way to Charlotte to participate in the parade too! It still brings tears to my eyes looking back on Caroline’s parade and all of the wonderful people in our life who went out of their way to make her day extra special.
Caroline handed out cookies to her friends as they drove by as party favors. Our neighbor is a Chef and I was thrilled when she agreed to whip up some cookies for us. They were so delicious!!
And for dinner, Caroline requested her favorite meal — spaghetti (with sauce from a jar!).
Happy birthday, sweet Caroline. We love you “higher than the sun!”
Saturday 30th of May 2020
Matt and you are the best. Caroline will be a special young lady with the parenting skills you put into her!
Wednesday 20th of May 2020
Oh my goodness what a sweet celebration. I'm sure she will remember her "quarantine birthday" for the rest of her life!!
Monday 18th of May 2020
Despite the crazy state we are in you made her birthday so special!! Great job!
Monday 18th of May 2020
Cracks me up SO hard that she specified spaghetti (sauce from a jar)
Friday 15th of May 2020
Oh mama, what a beautifully special lockdown birthday!! OBSESSED with all the happy rainbow colours and sprinkles! Happy birthday precious Caroline x