I am so excited to introduce you to our new family member, Mabel!
She’s a mini golden doodle and is pure sugar.

The Surprise
A few weekends ago I shared that we gave the kids the surprise of their life on our way home from Asheville when we detoured to “fill out an application for a puppy.”
While “waiting for the paperwork” the kids got to play with the CUTEST golden doodle puppy named “Paprika.” They were on cloud 9. And after a few minutes of watching their pure explosive joy we said “hey guys, that is YOUR puppy!” and oh my gosh I am so glad I had my camera going at this moment because it’s a memory I will cherish forever. (And will absolutely share this goodness on Instagram.)
Even though they were both in complete shock, adding a dog to our family again has been a discussion in our home daily for the past 18 months, maybe longer! Caroline really started begging constantly in 2nd grade for a dog and created I think 3 slideshow presentations pleading her case for why we needed one (they were rather compelling, by the way).
However, we (and by “we” I mean “I”) was just not ready, so we held them off by promising we would get a dog when we moved to our next home.
And then we moved to the next home in February.
For the first few months, we lived through a home renovation and life was pure chaos. Matt and I were able to gain a little more time on cashing in on our promise by presenting them with a “puppy points system” where they could earn or lose points — with the goal of 1,000 points for getting a puppy!
They had been working hard to accrue points and were at 750 points when Matt and I secretly sealed the deal. We had really hoped a puppy would join our family before school started and were excited that the timing worked out perfectly.
The day before we had 4 hours of quality family time floating down the river. During our adventure, we got to discuss some fun topics…one of which was revisiting our running list of puppy name contenders. By some miracle, we had narrowed down the names to a shortlist and ultimately decided we should meet our dog before we named her one of the following:
- Lotty
- Marley
- Poppy
- Penny
- Roxy
- Goldie
- Mabel
- Piper
And upon meeting our puppy, both kids immediately agreed she is a “Mabel,” which I was excited about because that was among my top 3 favorite names!
Puppy Training & bringing her home
Puppy training was something we knew we needed some help with. We were spoiled with Charlie, the most incredible dog ever, and really wanted another well-mannered dog. And let’s be honest, I am the one who is home the most and will primarily be responsible for taking care of our dog — and I don’t know how to properly train a dog!
We went back and forth on whether to put Mabel through puppy preschool before we brought her home or wait until she was a little older and ultimately decided to knock it out early.
So we will be picking up our sweet girl THIS WEEKEND and bringing her home with us forever! She’ll be 11 weeks old (and hopefully be on her way to being potty-trained, crate-trained, and familiar with basic commands like sit, stay, and come).
It’s been the longest few weeks of our lives and we are all SO ready to bring our sweet girl home and introduce Sprinkles to her new best friend.
So much more to come.
Thursday 24th of August 2023
She is precious! We also have a goldendoodle. Ours is standard sized. He is the best pet! Their demeaned is just the sweetest with kids. He also did a puppy board and train straight from the breeder and he came home knowing basic commands and being totally potty/leash/crate trained. I'll never do it any other way now! I know your kids are thrilled!
Thursday 24th of August 2023
PRECIOUS! I've been lobbying hard for a second dog, but cannot wear my husband down. Enjoy all those puppy kisses!
Jennifer Carmichael
Thursday 24th of August 2023
Oh my goodness. Mabel was on my top 3 names. You are totally right. The minute you meet them you just know. She is precious. You are so smart to knock out the training early. I wish we had done that. We had not had a puppy in 14 years. My husband "puppies suck".....ha ha. But, seriously, the greatest thing ever and they grow up so quickly. We have a poodle mix who we adore. So smart and picked up potty training quickly. Congrats and enoy.
Emily K.
Thursday 24th of August 2023
There is nothing better than a mini golden doodle. I am in a stormy season of life with a sick parent, a hard job and other stresses (I know you can relate since you were just in that season!). Our mini golden doodle is so calming and centering. I wish the same for you and Mabel!
Thursday 24th of August 2023
This summer I read a lot about how therapeutic dogs are and I believe it! I know you're squeezing your mini extra tight right now. I remember that season all too well. Thinking about you and sending you hugs.
Megan Ferchen
Thursday 24th of August 2023
We got an Aussiedoodle two weeks ago today. He's 10 weeks old and pure joy (90% of the time!). I've never had a puppy before and wasn't sure about it, but Ozzy has been a fabulous addition to our family. Enjoy!
Thursday 24th of August 2023
AHHHH I LOVE THAT SO MUCH!! Congrats on your addition! I've never had a puppy before and am nervous and excited!!