Sharing a day in our life, morning, or evening routines are always the most highly requested topics whenever I poll y’all for blog post ideas. Since summer is quickly approaching and our morning routine will change quite a bit then, I wanted to share our current typical’ish routine for school/work mornings.
Before I take you through our morning, I want to first give a disclaimer that our routine likely looks different from yours. When I was working in an office every day, our mornings were almost always frazzled and hurried getting everyone and myself dressed, packed up, and out the door. I did not make anyone breakfast — fend for yourself! And I packed lunches the night before. If that feels more like your life right now, you might find our 2019 Morning Routine & Tips more relatable.
However, now that I’m no longer working a corporate job and have a flexible schedule working from home, our mornings are slower and more enjoyable. Our kids also have a late bell schedule (9:15 am – 4:15 pm) which allows us more time in the mornings and has its pros and cons!
Alright, ready to spend the morning with us?

5:40 AM: Matt wakes up and heads to a 6:15 am workout class at ISI. Although this is a newer addition to our morning routine, he has really been loving this gym membership and has been consistent about squeezing in a workout 4 mornings a week over the past few months.
6:00 AM: Thomas is up! He is our early riser and never sleeps in, no matter how tired he is or how late he’s up the night before. He gets dressed, brushes his teeth and heads downstairs where he unloads the dishwasher if it’s his day (the kids alternate days and aren’t allowed any screens until it’s done) and then heads to the playroom to play his PS5.
Since the kids have a late bell schedule (9:15 am – 4:15 pm), we try to squeeze in chores and homework in the morning instead of the afternoon when they just want to play outside with their friends or we need to get to practice(s) as soon as they get off the bus.
6:15-6:45 AM: After I finish scrolling my phone, answering DMs, checking my calendar, etc., Mabel and I roll out of bed (earlier if it’s a morning we have tutoring). I brush my teeth, do my skincare, then come downstairs (in my robe and pajamas). I let Mabel outside, turn on our morning playlist, make a cup of tea (loving turmeric ginger tea right now), and start working on breakfast for the kids, a protein shake for Matt, and packing lunches.
BREAKFAST: Most mornings I enjoy making the kids breakfast and rotate between a handful of our go-to meals, none of which are fancy.
- Frozen pancakes (I recently started batch making sourdough discard pancakes and freezing them)!
- Bagel with cream cheese or peanut butter and fruit
- Oatmeal with brown sugar
- Chobani Complete Smoothies (love that these have 20 grams of protein in them)
- Yogurt with fruit and sourdough toast
- Egg sandwich
- Sausage links and fruit
7:00- 7:30 AM: Caroline has made her way downstairs and if it’s not her day to unload the dishwasher she usually heads straight to the couch to snuggle with Mabel and play on her iPad while I finish making breakfast. She will also complete some homework before breakfast.
7:30 AM: Kids are eating breakfast. I feed Mabel and finish packing lunches. Matt arrives home from the gym, drinks his protein shake, and then heads upstairs to get ready for work.
LUNCH: Same with breakfast, I rotate between a handful of go-to meals each day for the kids lunch boxes, and throw leftovers or a 212 Prepared Meal in a lunchbox for Matt to grab on his way out the door.
- Sushi + Edamame + Seaweed Chips + Fruit (I usually add a roll of sushi to my grocery delivery on Sundays to put in their lunch boxes on Monday).
- Mini Chopped Caesar Salad: This is a newer addition to the rotation and my kids LOVE it. I usually pack salads in their lunch boxes towards the beginning of the week when the lettuce is the most fresh. These kits are the perfect size and only $2 from Walmart.
- Turkey & Cheese or PBJ Sandwich on homemade sourdough bread + Chips + Fruit + Veggie
- Chobani Complete Smoothie + Mini Bagel w/ peanut butter + Fruits
- Uncrustable and whatever else I can scrounge up (Friday meals are a hodge podge as we’ve run out of lunch items and I’m tired of packing lunches by then)
Walmart Bento Box Note: THE HOLY GRAIL OF ALL BENTO BOXES. I have shared this inexpensive lunchbox more times than I can count and promise you this is the ONLY lunchbox you need. It’s so much better than any others we’ve used. It comes with multiple removable and stackable compartments, locks into place, and is dishwasher-safe!
8:00 AM: Screens have to be turned off before 8 am and the kids pack up their backpacks, fill their water bottles, get their shoes on and head outside to play with their friends. Matt leaves for work. I clean up the kitchen and get dressed in my gym clothes.
8:30 AM: The kids head down to the bus stop. Some days Mabel and I will walk with them, otherwise I try to use this time to flip a load of laundry and get my day organized — usually writing out my to-do list and prioritizing things to work on, order groceries, and right now I’m on week 4 of the LEAN program, a 6-week macro tracking program, so I load all my meals for the day into my tracker app.
9:10 AM: I make a pre-workout drink (a scoop of this pre-workout powder with a scoop of this electrolyte powder) and walk to the end of my driveway where McKinsey picks me up and we head to Burn Bootcamp for the 9:30 class.
10:30 AM: McKinsey drops me back home from the gym. I whip up a quick protein shake (2 scoops of protein powder + frozen berries + almond milk + 1 scoop of creatine powder) and head straight to my office to start my work day (since I’m working out so much later in the mornings now, I usually don’t shower until the end of the day, unless it’s a content filming day and I need to be showered for video).
And that’s a peek into our morning!
Wednesday 22nd of May 2024
Please share more about this lean macro tracking program, Iโm curious!
Thursday 23rd of May 2024
I'm enrolled in LEAN, a 7 week weight loss and nutrition program! If you've ever done Faster Way To Fat Loss, it's very similar -- carb cycling, intermittent fasting, and counting macros. I've done both and so far I've enjoyed LEAN more as I think it's a little easier to follow, more flexible, offers a TON of valuable resources, and is run by Amanda Nighbert, a registered dietician who I've followed for a very long time on Instagram and really love!
My primary goals for joining the program are to clean up my diet and hit my protein goals. However, there are SO many other benefits of the program though too (weight loss, blood sugar control, improve metabolism, increase energy, nutrition strategies, and more). The accountability has been really important for me too.
The next session begins May 27 and during the first week you are learning everything and preparing to start the program. If you are interested in joining and want to save $10 off your registration, you can use my referral code: CMBD39. And here's the LEAN website: