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Our Wallpaper Home Tour

The very first thing I noticed when we toured our new home was “oh my gosh, there is so much wallpaper!” And I love wallpaper. Just not 35-year-old wallpaper that is barely still clinging to the walls — all of it is in really bad shape.

So I thought it would be fun to share a little wallpaper home tour before we rip it all out! Get ready for lots of vertical stripes and patterns.

Dining Room

It’s the curtains at the top for me…

Bedroom Wallpaper + Sponge Paint

So the bedrooms are extra fun because we have a combo of wallpaper and SPONGE PAINT! Wild, right?! I love seeing past trends and I know this one was a big one once upon a time. And it took me several trips through the house before I realized it was PAINT and not wallpaper!

Another sponge paint room to show ya! This is actually pretty cute for Caroline’s room, but a lot of got ripped out when the drywall was replaced.

Bathroom Wallpaper

Let’s tackle all the bathrooms at once, shall we?

And this one is extra fun because it’s the jack & jill kids bathroom…with THREE different wallpaper prints! It’s a wild experience walking through this hallway.


I promised you some vertical stripes, didn’t I? Well, I’m here to deliver.

Peep that intercom system too. If that thing still worked, I would totally keep it.


Last not certainly not least, the faux wood paneling wallpaper.

And that concludes our wallpaper home tour! I hope you enjoyed some throwback trends and a peek inside our new home!

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Monday 16th of January 2023

So much wallpaper!!!!

Toni :0)

Thursday 12th of January 2023

So much wall paper and patterns! Wow! I wallpapered a bathroom once, never again. Iโ€™m embarrassed to say I was on the sponge paint train and I just finally repainted our bedroom from it two years ago. I was so glad to see it go. Excited to see your transformation in this home.


Thursday 12th of January 2023

This was a fun tour! Our first home was oldish with lots of loud wallpaper, some peeling off. My first project was to hire a painter and what a difference fresh paint made. Canโ€™t wait to see your before/afters!


Thursday 12th of January 2023

I recently bought a house built in 1997 that is all original sooo much sponge paint! Originally we thought it was wallpaper and asked at closing. The previous owner was quite proud to say it was her own handiwork ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Our designer and contractor thought a lot of it was wallpaper because it was really well done but luckily it was just paint!


Thursday 12th of January 2023

This is wild! I love wallpaper and hope to have some in a future home... but not like these!! Hahaha!! What a trip back in time this was. I can't wait to see y'all transform the new house! It looks huge!

xoxo A