I cannot believe how fast July flew by. I mean WOW that was truly a blink of an eye and we are more than halfway through our summer break.
The kids go back to school at the very end of August and we’ve got so much packed into this month and still a few summer bucket list items to tackle!
Anyway, I almost didn’t write a weekend recap because there weren’t any big highlights or activities to cover. It was just a really nice “snooze weekend” at home with no plans, so we were able to catch up on stuff around the house, make yummy food and relax.
Friday night we watched Pan for Family Movie Night and it was really good! The kids loved it so much that they re-watched it on Saturday morning while we were making breakfast and lounging.
For our movie night treat, Caroline homemade strawberry lemonade popsicles — and we officially checked that box off our summer bucket list!
They turned out delicious too.

We love this popsicle mold set. It is dishwasher safe, comes with a silicone funnel for easy pouring, and also includes a removable box you can fill with warm water to quickly dip the mold into so you can easily pull your frozen popsicles out of the container (which works like a charm)!
And here is the recipe we used…
Homemade Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles
- 1 cup lemonade
- 1 cup Greek yogurt
- 2 cups fresh strawberries
- optional: large drizzle of honey
- Place all of the ingredients in a blender and pulse until smooth and well-combined.
- Pour into popsicle mold.
- Freeze overnight.
Saturday morning Matt made breakfast and then we took turns running a few errands because the kids weren’t quite ready to get out of pajamas yet and neither of us really wanted to drag them to Home Depot, the car wash, farmers market, dry-cleaner, etc. Like I said in my intro…very exciting weekend.
We spent all afternoon working in the yard — trimming up all the trees and bushes! It was an overdue chore for sure and I’m glad we tackled it because it made a huge difference! And the kids helped…for like 5 minutes.
And of course, I got destroyed by mosquitoes. I am a mosquito magnet though so I knew it was coming.
And in case you missed it on Instagram…I wanted to share one of my absolute favorite little devices ever — the BUG BITE THING!
I’ve been using this suction device for years on myself and the kids. It’s a natural way to extract venom/saliva from bug bites to alleviate itching/stinging. AND IT WORKS, but you have to use it right away (like right when you feel the first itch come on), otherwise it’s too late to be super effective. You can also use it to remove stingers and relieve swelling. Cannot recommend this enough.
For dinner, we grilled vegan burgers and hotdogs. We’ve actually been making this meal a LOT recently. I always skip the bun and make a burger bowl — sooo good.
Sunday morning we got a little back-to-school shopping done (snagged a cute tie-dye lunchbox for Caroline and a hilarious yoda lunchbox for Thomas on sale) and then we grabbed lunch at one of our favorite restaurants — Cowfish!
I’ve shared this skirt before but it is totally worth re-sharing. I have worn this maxi skirt a million times this summer and love it so much. The quality is excellent, it comes in a rainbow of colors and has pockets! It’s been a top-seller and reader-favorite item the past few months too!
Afterward, we took the kids by Matt’s office so they could visit one last time before everything starts getting packed up in the next few weeks for their move to the new location!
Sunday afternoon Matt distracted Thomas upstairs shooting hoops while Caroline worked on a surprise cookie cake for Thomas! Thomas gets his cast off THIS AFTERNOON and she really wanted to make him something to celebrate after his appointment. The cookie cake turned out so cute and I thought her message was adorable.
And that was a wrap on our weekend!
Have a great week, friends!