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A Day In Our Life | July 2019

The most requested topic I receive has always been (and continues to be) day in the life posts! I try to write at least one of these each year to look back and see how much our lives have changed in such a short time! The kids are growing so fast and it always blows my mind to see where we were just a year ago — Thomas was still in a crib, the kids bathed together and our routines were different. Honestly, one year later…things are SO much easier and I absolutely love having independently little preschoolers — both kids make their own breakfast, bathe themselves, buckle their own car seats, put away their laundry and more. In addition to their growing independence, it has been such a joy watching their personalities continue to develop and shine. So before our first babe heads to Kindergarten (in just a few weeks) and our routine changes, I wanted to jot down what life looks like right now! 

Morning Routine

Our mornings vary from day to day depending on what’s on our work calendars. However, one huge difference from this time last year, Matt and I committed to working out! It took us some time to figure out how to make this work and ultimately we learned we needed a convenient, quick, high intensity workout. So we became members of 9 Round Fitness, a 30 minute high intensity, full body workout, kickboxing class, which is conveniently located 2 minutes from our house. Some weeks we both make it to the gym every morning. Some weeks we don’t go at all. Some weeks we go once. It changes week to week, but working out is something we’ve tried hard to prioritize this year and has helped us both so much in many areas of our lives. Matt is in the best shape he’s been in a very long time, it motivates us to eat healthier, we get a burst of energy to get us through the day, it helps with stress, it shows our kids the importance of taking care of ourselves and it has brought Matt and I together on a competitive level — we love trying to beat each other’s goals on the gym’s whiteboard and later cry together over the exact same aches and pains. 

5:45 am: Matt’s alarm goes off and he quickly gets dressed and heads 2 minutes down the road for the first kickboxing round of the day (most mornings he meets a friend there too). Thomas is our early riser and will get out of bed, get dressed, brush his teeth, come downstairs and begin making his breakfast (usually 7 yogurts, 4 smoothies, fruit and whatever else he is in the mood for). Caroline will sleep in a little longer before getting up and following the same routine as Thomas. Both kids know they are not allowed to come downstairs until they are fully dressed and ready for the day which is a routine that has helped our mornings run so much smoother! For breakfast, Caroline loves making toast (I assist with getting it out of the toaster), fruit and yogurt. She also turns the TV on. Power Rangers has temporarily been banned from our house, so right now they both love Veggie Tales, Justin Time or Phonics Songs.

6:45 am: Matt arrives home and I head to the gym next! While I workout Matt gets ready for the day and gets the kids to the morning finish line (shoes on, bags packed, breakfast cleaned up, lather everyone in sunscreen, etc.).7:45 am: I arrive home from the gym, shower and get ready for the day. Depending on calendars, sometimes Matt will take the kids to daycare so I can head straight to work after I’m ready. However, most of the time I do drop-off and he does pick-up. Matt either heads straight to his office, a breakfast meeting, the courthouse or Little Spoon (the coffee shop downstairs where he can tackle work without office interruptions). 

8: 30 am: I am out the door either for the office or to drop the kids off to daycare. On the way to school we say our morning prayers, sing our favorite song (right now it’s You Need to Calm Down by Taylor Swift) and recently I’ve been taping notecards to the back of the front seats for the kids to practice reading letters and numbers (we’re working on phone numbers right now with Caroline). We arrive to daycare in 7-10 minutes and Caroline and I walk Thomas to class to drop him off, then we head to her class down the hall. 

8:45 am: I head to the office. 

The Work Day

Matt’s work day is completely and insanely different every single day. His calendar gives me anxiety when I look at it because he is often fully booked (sometimes even double booked) with meetings (client, marketing, vendor, admin, staff, etc.), new client consultations, court or networking with referral sources. His role has evolved quite a bit in the firm as Marcellino & Tyson has continued to grow significantly over the past year and I am so proud of him and the firm! Despite the craziness of his schedule, he usually calls me to check in while driving to or from a meeting, or will send me a text or two throughout the day to say hi. 

My work day is a little more predictable but still varies from day to day. I am a Business Development Manager for a law firm. I’ve been with my new firm for almost 8 months now and it’s been a huge adjustment going from a mid-size regional law firm of 140 attorneys and 7 offices to a firm of 900 attorneys across 27 offices coast to coast. My Marketing & Business Development team is huge and I’ve taken on several brand new practice areas so there’s been a significant learning curve, but I am finally feeling adjusted and have built so many new relationships. In my role, I support 4 Practice Area Leaders with all things business development. This includes client targeting and expansion, identifying new business opportunities, monitoring industry trends, developing business proposals and targeted marketing materials, business plan development, managing practice area budgets, planning events, facilitating sponsorships, coaching and lots more. My teams are spread out across all of the offices so I spend most of my day on the phone or in front of my computer. 

Evening Routine

4:45 – 5 pm: Our evenings are a little different depending on the day. Sometimes I head to daycare to pick up the kids or I’ll go straight home, depending on whether or not Matt can pick up and what day of the week it is. As much as I love picking up the kids and watching them sprint across the playground together and leap into my arms, I’ve found that if I can beat them home and start dinner, the evening is a little less whiny and we can eat as a family (our kids arrive home ravenous).

6 – 6:15 pm: Kids arrive home and dinner is ready. Sometimes we eat as a family. Sometimes the kids eat at the kitchen island and Matt and I eat outside together later. Sometimes dinner is homemade. Sometimes it’s cereal, eggs, pancakes, lunchables or Chick-fil-A. If dinner is not ready, I’ll tell the kids to go take their showers while I get it ready. It has been a huge game changer now that they can shower themselves! We usually have to regulate the water temperature on the front end and do a quick inspection to make sure they got the soap out of their hair at the end, but otherwise they are good to shower on their own now


Since each night is different, I’m going to break our dinners out by day. Again, this is all subject to change on a daily basis!

  • Monday: I try to serve a crockpot meal (that I’ve prepared before leaving for work that morning) that can be ready when we arrive home so we can all eat together. I also make sure to double the recipe to squeeze another dinner later in the week out of it. Our go to crockpot meals are Greek Chicken Bowls or Buffalo Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potatoes.
  • Tuesday: We have swim lessons so I pick up the kids and take them to AquaTots and Matt meets us there. Then after their lesson the kids always beg to eat dinner a few doors down at Fresh Chef. We say yes 40-50% of the time, otherwise Tuesday nights are dubbed “Lunchable Night” for the kids and Matt and I will eat leftovers from Monday. 
  • Wednesday: Matt usually hosts a business or divorce workshop after hours in his office so I pick up the kids and make them something super easy — spaghetti, chicken nuggets, pizza, hotdogs or cereal are my go tos. 
  • Thursday: Matt grabs the kids from daycare and I’ll make an easy family meal — usually tacos or breakfast.
  • Friday: We either pick up the kids and go somewhere fun for dinner or we order takeout and relax in our backyard as a family. 

The Hall Pass (a year later): I am happy to report that Matt and I are still making the Hall Pass work most weeks! There are definitely weeks this doesn’t happen, but we do try not to let this slip off our radar as much as possible. Matt usually uses his hall pass night to meet a friend after work for pizza and trivia or he’ll come home and lock himself in our room and continue to work while I tackle dinner, bath and bedtime with the kids. I usually use my night for Supper Club once a month, meeting a girlfriend for dinner or most of the time I will come home and lock myself in our room and blog or take a long bath and wash/blow dry my hair. Not only is it nice to have a night to ourselves, it’s also nice to have a night where we get the kids all to ourselves too. Some weeks we combine our Hall Pass nights and instead go on a date night.

7:00 pm: Kids take showers if they haven’t already.

7:30 pm: Coax the kids upstairs to begin the marathon bedtime routine — usually a few board games, teeth brushed, pick outfits out for the next day, etc. Matt usually spearheads the beginning of the process while I clean up the kitchen from dinner, prepare our lunches for the next day, flip a load of laundry (if we’re out of our workout wear) prepare the coffee, etc. 

8 pm: Join the chaos upstairs, detangle and braid Caroline’s hair for bedtime and the kids pick out a few books. Matt and I swap back and forth on who reads to who each night. Say prayers. The kids will then desperately need to ask all the questions about life, the world, anything to avoid going to bed. Then we pop into the other room for a quick hug and kiss goodnight. 

8:30 pm: Matt and I do a quick house pick up and then jump in bed (or sometimes I’ll take a bath), fire up our laptops and turn on the TV. It’s not the ideal bedtime routine but Matt can usually catch up on 2-3 hours of work (responding to emails, drafting agreements, entering time, etc.) and I usually write a blog post.

10:30 pm: TV off. I usually turn a podcast on to fall asleep to and Matt will stay up a little later to finish up whatever he’s working on.

And that’s a wrap on a work week day! You can check out this post which covers a lot of the FAQ I get whenever I write these.


Our weekends are totally different from the week days and are usually jammed pack with a mix of errands and fun things. Because we don’t have a lot of extra time during the week, we outsource house cleaning and mowing and cram in as much as possible on the weekends, which is usually a balance of chores (laundry, grocery shopping, errands, etc.) and fun (pool, hosting friends over for play dates & dinner, etc.). We also love taking the kids to new places and don’t mind traveling! And Sunday’s are reserved for family day — unless it’s something fun that we can all do together, we almost always say no to social events (birthday parties, etc.) and relax at home together.

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Wednesday 14th of August 2019

I also always love their posts - and need to work on my own one soon... I love how you have enforced independence in your children from a young age, it is so wonderful to see.

You are an amazing mama, and rock the working mama week x


Wednesday 7th of August 2019

These are just so fun to read! Your hall pass idea is so brilliant!


Tuesday 30th of July 2019

As a working mom with a 2 and 4 year old, it is so nice to read these day in the life posts. I love how you keep it real and it's nice to see that other families with two working parents lives are similar to ours (no shame in chicken nuggets or hot dogs for dinner around here). My husband and I are a great team but really struggle on finding time for ourselves or each other. I hope that in a few years, that will get easier as my kids get older. Thanks for being a great role model for other working moms!

Lauren @ Life as a Wife

Tuesday 30th of July 2019

You really are super Mom!! I am always amazed by all that you do!! These are such fun posts :)


Tuesday 30th of July 2019

Always fun to read about other people's days! Especially those with young kiddos. ;) I love the idea of taping cards to the back of the headrests for some practice on the way to school -- good one!!