Empty Tomb Rolls aka Resurrection Rolls are one of our favorite Easter recipes!
We made these last year with the kids and they loved them so much that we decided we’d make it an annual tradition. This tasty treat is a creative way to share the Easter resurrection story with kids. Each roll contains a buttery cinnamon sugar dipped marshmallow inside that melts into a sweet caramel sauce when baked.

2020 Empty Tomb Rolls (Age 5)
To teach the story of Jesus, you can read the story from the Bible in Luke 23-24, from a kids story bible (we love the Spark Story Bible) or from the printable I created below!
Symbolism of Empty Tomb Rolls
These empty tomb rolls symbolize Christ’s body being wrapped in white clothing, the butter represents the oils they anointed him with as well as the cinnamon sugar for the spices and herbs, then he is placed in the tomb, and the cavity symbolizes the resurrection on the third day.
- Marshmallow: Jesus’ body
- Melted Butter: Oils of embalming
- Cinnamon & Sugar Mix: Spices used to anoint Christ’s body
- Crescent Roll: The wrapping of Jesus’ body
- Oven or Muffin Tin: The tomb
- Cavity in Bun: The empty tomb
You can find lots of variations of this recipe online but this one is my favorite. Our church sent it out last year. Watch our video: Empty Tomb Resurrection Rolls!
Empty Tomb Resurrection Rolls
This disappearing marshmallow treat is a beautiful (and delicious) way share the Easter story with little ones! These empty tomb rolls symbolize Christ’s body being wrapped in white clothing, the butter represents the oils they anointed him with as well as the cinnamon sugar for the spices and herbs, then he is placed in the tomb, and the cavity symbolizes the resurrection on the third day.
Marshmallow: Jesus' body
Melted Butter: Oils of embalming
Cinnamon & Sugar Mix: Spices used to anoint Christ’s body
Crescent Roll: The wrapping of Jesus’ body
Oven or Muffin Tin: The tomb
Cavity in Bun: The empty tomb
- 1 can refrigerated crescent rolls (the larger the size, the easier it is to wrap your marshmallow )
- 8 large marshmallows
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1 tbsp ground cinnamon
- 1/4 cup butter, melted (can substitute with water, if preferred )
- Preheat your oven to 375ºF.
- Spray a jumbo muffin tin with cooking spray. (You can use a cookie
sheet but a muffin tin keeps the melted marshmallow contained) - In a small bowl, mix together the cinnamon and sugar.
- Unroll the crescent dough and separate each triangle.
- Dip marshmallows in melted butter (or water) and then roll them in cinnamon sugar mixture.
- Place marshmallows on the top of the crescent rolls and roll into a
crescent roll shape, then secure the sides by tucking them under and pinching them closed. - Optional: Dip roll in butter and sugar mixture then place sugar side up in muffin tin.
- Bake for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown on the outside.
- Let cool for a few minutes and then let the children pick a roll to
open up. The marshmallow has disappeared! Talk about how this relates to our Easter story and enjoy!
The Resurrection Story:
Hand Out A Marshmallow. The marshmallow represents Jesus. It is pure, white, sinless and perfect. Unfortunately, even though Jesus never did anything wrong, there were some people who didn’t like him because he said he was God. So they crucified him and he died on the cross.
Dip the Marshmallow in Melted Butter, then Roll in Cinnamon Sugar. Jesus' friends and family were very sad when he died. They loved him. So they rubbed special oils and spices on Jesus' body to get him ready for burial.
Wrap the Marshmallow in a Crescent Roll and Firmly Seal All Seams. Then, Jesus' friends wrapped his body in special clothes to bury him in.
Place Rolls in Muffin Tin. Next, they laid Jesus’ body in a tomb. Then strong soldiers sealed it with a heavy rock so no one could get in or out of the tomb. The soldiers stood in front of the tomb to guard it day and night.
Bake Rolls. Jesus was in the tomb for 3 days, and then he rose from the dead!
Cut Open Roll. Jesus’ friends visited the tomb where they had put Jesus’ body...and it was empty! Jesus had risen! Today he lives in heaven with God and watches over us all. He loves you very much.
Check out our Empty Tomb Resurrection Rolls video!
2021 Empty Tomb Rolls (Age 6)
Tuesday 30th of March 2021
We make those every year too and they are delicious . Our church uses the Spark Bible for our family service and itโs a great Bible . My 4th grader actually is a reader now during the family service and will say itโs such an awesome book to grow up on . Thanks for including all this!!!
Friday 2nd of April 2021
Aw! YAY!!! Happy Easter, friend!!