one // Let’s start with the most important things like…THE FRY BASKET. I received SO many Instagram messages asking me for more information on this magical basket. Technically it’s a “vegetable basket” but I’m calling it a fry basket since we plan to grill fries every day for the indefinite future. So, the most common question asked was fresh vs frozen fries? We use the frozen sweet potato fries from the freezer section. On high heat they take about 25+ minutes to reach perfection on the grill, flipping occasionally. Find it here: Amazon // Target // Home Depot
two // One of the things I accidentally scooped up at Target this week is this amazing tank.
three // I have been binging through so many of your podcast recommendations from last week! For working mamas, you MUST listen to Best of Both Worlds, a podcast by two working mamas. Hosts Laura Vanderkam, author of I Know How She Does It and a mom of four, and Sarah Hart-Unger, a practicing physician, blogger, and mom of three, discuss work/life balance, career development, parenting, time management, productivity, and making time for fun.
four // A few months ago I bought the Super Goop Refresh Setting Mist to set my makeup when I’m planning to be outside in the sun. I love that it includes SPF 50 protection and smells like rosemary and mint! The 1 oz version is $12 and will definitely get me through the entire summer, maybe longer. You can find it at Nordstrom or Sephora!
five // Where are my Florida readers at?! (you’ll totally appreciate this) Our neighborhood Publix opened this week! I have been anxiously awaiting their grand opening for like 4 years (since they announced they were building one) and could not be more excited to finally have one down the street. I went yesterday just to grab two lunchables for dinner and wandered around the store in awe. So tell meeeeee, Publix fans, what are your favorite Publix specific items that need to go on my shopping list?! Besides subs and cakes, duh! It’s been almost a decade since I’ve regularly shopped at Publix! What have I been missing?
Tuesday 26th of June 2018
Yey for Publix! I am from FLA but we lived in Kentucky for a year, before there was a Publix, and I was so depressed whenever I went to grocery shop. Their subs are everything but their fresh baked chocolate chip and sugar cookies from the bakery (the 24 count) are amazing!
Rachel Williams
Monday 25th of June 2018
Youโve got to try the Publix Taragon Chicken Salad. It comes in a container in the deli section with all the other pre-made salads. So yummy!!
Saturday 23rd of June 2018
I love Publix corn muffins! My mom brings them to me from Florida thatโs how obsessed I am! Also their sweet tea is great!
Friday 22nd of June 2018
The Publix buffalo chicken dip is a must buy. I don't even like buffalo chicken and this stuff is SO GOOD.
Friday 22nd of June 2018
All the dips and salads in the publix deli are amazeballs. Also, customer service is outta this world. I went on Monday and I forgot my wallet. They suspended my transaction, put my groceries in the cooler while I went home to get my wallet. When I came back with my wallet they wheeled the cart out, found a bagger and sent him with me to the car to put my groceries in it.