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Thyme for Herbs (Caroline’s 1st Garden)

To celebrate the first day of Spring last weekend we planted an herb garden with Caroline. Well, technically Matt planted the garden and I ran around taking photos of Caroline contributing a 65 scoops of dirt and 72 buckets of water. But I’d say our herbs are off to a healthy start…


Every year I promise myself I won’t buy cilantro or basil because they are doomed from the get go, but oops I did it again. There is just something so enticing about the perfect green leaves sitting all pretty on the Home Depot shelf.

I think we’re on dirt scoop 13 at this point…

…scoop 27…

…scoop 43…

…scoop 65. Phew. On to watering! 

For the past few weeks Caroline has been really in to watering the plants at home with Matt so as soon as we told her we needed to water her garden every day you would have thought I told her the new Doc McStuffins baby was coming to our house. She was so, so, so excited.

More watering. She’s just so damn cute I couldn’t help but take a million pictures.

Alas, the perfect over-potted and over-watered herb garden!

Let’s hope we can keep it alive!

Check out these posts for previous less exciting herb gardens:

2015 Thyme for basil

2014: Too pregnant to plant herbs

2013 Herb Garden

2012 Herb Garden

2011 Herb Garden



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Friday 25th of March 2016

Too cute! Basil likes me fine, cilantro hates me and I waste money on it a few times each year before I quit and just buy it weekly at grocery hah.

Jessi @ Jessi's Design

Friday 25th of March 2016

Oh this is a presh/fab idea! Hope ya'll have a great weekend!

Lauren Honeycutt

Wednesday 23rd of March 2016

This is SOOOOOO cute! I definitely want to start my future kiddos gardening early!

Alexandra Bee Blog

Wednesday 23rd of March 2016

SO sweet! I have a feeling that with Caroline's love and attention, the garden will really flourish this year!


Wednesday 23rd of March 2016

This is just precious!!