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Five on Friday!

Happy Friday! I am so excited about all of the comments that were left on yesterday’s post about working out! I read every single one and am so appreciative of the advice! If you’re trying to find ways to be a morning workout person, you have to read all the comments on this post! So many good tips!

one // In other reader thanks, thank you all SO much for the eye cream recommendations earlier this week! I can always count on y’all to come through! A few of you asked me to share the responses (and what I picked) so below are the top 12 recs in case you’re in the market too (note: there were recs for Beauty Counter & R+F too if you have a rep you use). As for which one I’m going to get…I have no clue how to narrow down all these options!

Top Eye Cream Recommendations

two // One day for lunch earlier this week I met my girlfriend Laura at Poke Bar Midtown. Neither of us had ever been before and we were both so impressed! The fish was SO fresh (the manager said they get fresh fish 6 days a week!), the options were endless and my favorite part — KALE noodles. I was kind of mind blown when I saw them and had to try them. In fact, we both tried them and thought they were awesome. Anyway, local CLT friends, you need to get a poke bowl here!

three // This cute new what to eat pad has me slightly more jazzed about meal planning lately. I took this picture on Sunday after grocery shopping and can report that we’ve followed our plan about 65% this week (we swapped out one meal for Moe’s takeout). Anyway, love the pad! And now I really want this one and this one too!

four // Today’s casual Friday look brought to you by Lyla Taylor Boutique! I am loving this fall blouse (the back is so cute too), double zip snake skin booties and gorgeous filigree earrings! Now bring on the cooler temps!

five // I recently purchased a few new fall outfits for Caroline and Thomas from Amazon . Back in the Spring I discovered these stores for the first time (thanks to Natasha!) and am happy to report that ALL of the items we purchased have been washed a million times and held up SO well. So in preparation for the cooler weather I have started buying a few long sleeve pieces for the kids and have been so excited as the packages arrive…

$14 reindeer dress

There are so many cute prints (many of which are hanging in Caroline’s closet already)! The quality is excellent and the prices are SO good. Note: size up for better fit and slight shrinkage over many washes! Below are a few more of my favorites (all are $14!!!). You can find lots of other prints here!

*Also, these are the leggings we purchase to wear underneath! I buy them in bulk when they are 40% off.

And don’t worry, we didn’t forget about Tom Tom. He has some cuuuuute stuff coming too. Here’s one of my favorite outfits so far:

Shark 2 Piece Set

All of these sets range from $10-16 per set. Find them and lots of other prints here!

*no link-up

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Wednesday 3rd of June 2020

Is it easy to make? It looks delicious to me


Wednesday 17th of October 2018

I LOVE those EAT notepads. Been using them for a while and they make such a difference in sticking to a meal plan, don't they?


Tuesday 16th of October 2018

The striped set of those leggings are half off right now! Cute dresses!! Firearm is another similar brand with similar styles and pricing


Sunday 14th of October 2018

Oh those baby outfits are so cute!

Caroline Glenn

Friday 12th of October 2018

Okay this red top- whatโ€™s the material? It looks gorgeous on you but on the website it looks completely different - thanks!