Hello from the Charleston — one of my favorite cities in the world! I’m drinking mimosas on the beach with my best gal pals today soooooo I wrote a 5 on Friday post before I left for my trip!
one. They day before my girlfriends arrived I tacked on a work trip to meet the attorneys in my firm’s Charleston office. As part of my trip I got to spend the night at my favorite place ever — Fulton Lane Inn (fullllllll review on this charming bed & breakfast we stayed in for our babymoon a million years ago!)! and eat a delicious dinner at 82 Queen.
two. In other exciting news — back at home our shower glass is finally getting installed. It’s only been 234723945 years of showering sans glass with tons of floor towels but it’s finally happening TODAY!
Caroline’s adorable new ice cream sheets for her big girl bed! |
three. Big Girl Bed Update/HELP: It’s only been a few weeks since we transitioned Caroline to a big girl bed and we are having the toughest time keeping her in bed and going straight to sleep. I don’t want to scare her about NOT being allowed to get out of bed because she has already surprised us once by getting up, escorting herself to the potty, leaving evidence of a healthy #2, washing her hands and escorting herself back to her bed — which is awesome. So the potty is the exception to our threats to stay in bed. However, most of the time, after we’ve put her to bed she will get in and out (sometimes staying up hours past bedtime) to fish through her dresser drawers, play in her closet, turn her lamp on and off, etc. We’ve already removed almost everything from her room short of the clothes in her dresser drawers and bribed her with treats for staying in bed and going to sleep. We had hoped with nothing to play with she would just get bored and go to sleep — nope, I found her one morning this week wearing ELEVEN pairs of underwear and a pair of tights that she helped herself to from her dresser.
Help! How do we get Caroline to go straight to sleep when we put her to bed? Give me ALL the tricks and tips.
four. I promised the EASIEST and most delicious burger recipe earlier this week! Here it is — combine 1 packet of onion soup mix (dry) with 1.5 pounds of ground beef. That’s it and oh my gosh, they are goooood. We’ve made these a few times recently.
five. Ok, I need some major help! I recently squeezed out the last of my face mask cream and am ready to try a new one. Here are my mask requirements: 1. suuuuuuuper moisturizing 2. for suuuuuuuuper sensitive skin. Basically, I need some Gatoraid for my face. Please share some recommendations!!!
Sunday 28th of May 2017
My girlfriend in the Navy is getting transferred to Charleston and I am hoping to visit soon! I've never been but it looks like an awesome city.
Lyndsey Beasley
Monday 22nd of May 2017
Beautycounter's masks are ah-maz-ing - So luxurious and hydrating! Full disclosure: I am a Manager w/ Beautycounter, but I would not recommend something I don't believe in myself. I'd love for you to try a sample if you're interested!
Erin Sullivan
Monday 22nd of May 2017
I love Caroline's sheets! My daughter is a few days older than Caroline (May 2) and she's been in her big girl bed/room since she was just over 2! I can't imagine doing it now - she's so much more opinionated and strong-willed! Good luck. What worked for us last year was that we set up the bed in her new room and would play in there during the day on weekends and then eventually started to do bedtime routine through stories in the new bed and then put her to sleep in her crib. Eventually, she decided she just wanted to stay in the bed. She almost never gets out of bed on her own, but she's always liked sleeping. The morning is our hard time but we have the clock that changes color and she's usually good about not getting up before the clock turns green (unless she really has to pee!) We had to put the clock up on her high dresser, along with her lamp, since everything on her night table became toys.
sara [at] journey of doing
Saturday 20th of May 2017
Your shower looks amazing!!!!! YAY for no more towels to do the work!
Danielle Siero
Saturday 20th of May 2017
Do you think Caroline would like a sticker chart? So every time she stays in bed (and you don't come in to her wearing 11 pairs of underwear) she gets a sticker. And after so many, she gets a prize?