It was a great weekend! Let’s rewind it!
Friday evening Matt and I completed our Q1 Family Meeting check-in! I mentioned in my End of Year Family Planning Meeting post that one of our goals this year is to actually make quarterly check-ins happen, and with so many projects in progress and plans in the pipeline, this meeting was super helpful. We spent most of the time prioritizing and budgeting for the big remaining house projects. We are super grateful that the sale of our last home will allow us to tackle some exciting home projects sooner than we anticipated.
Meanwhile, the kids got a night out at our neighborhood’s “play house”! One of the things I love about our new neighborhood is how kid and family-focused it is. Each month we receive a newsletter that is packed with 20 pages of activities going on in the neighborhood (day camps, family events, kid activities, classes, sports practices and clinics, etc.) and the kids have been begging for us to sign them up for the weekly Friday night “Kids Night Out” event. This week we finally said YES and they had an absolute blast eating pizza, crafting, gaming, and hanging out with a ton of neighborhood kids while we grabbed dinner!

Saturday morning we had a quick meeting for a kitchen project before heading to the field for Caroline’s softball game! She is absolutely loving this new sport and it is so cute watching her play — and nothing makes me happier than hearing all the girls singing their softball cheers from the dugout! I LOVE IT.
For lunch, we took the kids to Velvet Taco (one of our favorite taco places right now) and then spent the rest of the afternoon running errands, which is the kids’ worst nightmare (and ours too if I’m being honest). However, we finally tackled some overdue tasks that required both me and Matt like returning some heavy/bulky house stuff, picking out some hardware for the house, grabbing a long list of items from Home Depot for projects, etc.
When we got home, Matt set up a scavenger hunt for the kids which they absolutely loved. The final clue led them to their prize — a “sleepover” in the playroom, which is their favorite thing ever. Every weekend they beg to sleep in the playroom because it means they get to stay up later and fall asleep to the TV.
While they were busy searching for clues, I cleaned up the house and prepped dinner while Matt tackled some projects including replacing the front door hardware with a set that WORKS! Yes, our front door has been broken since we moved in (along with a million other things) and it’s so nice to check this off our long list of annoying projects.
Saturday night we celebrated one month in our home with Sandroni Steak Night and Family Movie Night!!! The weather was so pretty making it the perfect night to grill out. I also made roasted Brussels sprouts, french fries, salad, and sauteed mushrooms. And for FMN treat, we had ice cream cake!
It was a dark, cold, and stormy day, which made it perfect for…A VERY OVERDUE SNOOZE DAY! Ahhhh, I cannot describe how much we all needed this day of recharging! The day was filled with lots of TV time, leprechaun trap making, pajamas, baking (for Caroline!), and relaxing!
And that was a wrap on the weekend! Have a great week, friends!