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Five on Friday

Happy Friday! How is everyone doing?! What a crazy week! Even though we’ve had a LOT of time together as a family this past week, I am really looking forward to a weekend together to take a break from work and at-home schooling and just RELAX together doing fun stuff. We’re going to finally plant our herb garden and start some vegetable seeds for a raised garden! And bake! And snuggle on the couch watching movies. And take walks together. And drink lots of coffee. And lots of palomas.

1. Working From Home

My first week working from home was…interesting. Matt joined me yesterday and so now we are tag teaming but it’s just been wild trying to balance work and the kids. Caroline has received remote learning plans from her teacher which gives me a whole new level of appreciation for all the teachers out there. We’ve got blocks of time each morning for math, literacy and science and then the afternoon is filled with lots of outdoor play time, two hours of quiet rest time (which has not been quiet at all), crafts, ice cream and TV. I feel very grateful we are all healthy, have the ability to work from home and for the mute button during conference calls…


2. Butcher Box

Toilet paper, bread and meat are nearly impossible to find right now in Charlotte. To avoid running all around town looking for fresh meat, I decided to give Butcher Box a try. Our first box will be delivered on my doorstep next week (just in time for me to be OUT of our current stockpile)!

3. Billie Razor Subscription

Back in December, Mel brought Billie Razor Starter Kits to our Favorite Things Gift Exchange and they were a huge hit. Her rave review of her razor subscription sold us all. The starter kit includes a razor, magnetic holder and two 5-blade razor cartridges. If you sign up for the subscription, you receive four replacement blade cartridges for $9 — at the frequency of your choice and delivered straight to your door! Anyway, I signed up for the subscription a few weeks ago and just received another starter kit (includes the razor, which I’ll keep in my travel bag). Anyway, huge fan of this company and this razor!!

4. St. Patrick’s Day

To celebrate St.Patrick’s Day on Monday I surprised the kids with Lucky Charms cereal and green milk! They LOVED it!

5. Open Book

Jessica Simpson’s new book, Open Book, is so incredible and I highly recommend scooping up a copy!

From Amazon: Guided by the journals she’s kept since age fifteen, and brimming with her unique humor and down-to-earth humanity, Open Book is as inspiring as it is entertaining.

Popular Pins This Week

I thought it would be fun to share my top 3 Pinterest pins this week:

  1. Baked Spaghetti: Easy Freezer Meal
  2. Easy Mickey Mouse Cupcakes
  3. White Chicken Enchiladas

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Friday 20th of March 2020

Working from home with kids is no joke, and mine is only 16 months. I can only imagine juggling work with 2 school age children. We're all just doing the best we can!

Your weekend quarantine plans sound fabulous (especially all the coffee and palomas)...keep us posted on your gardening projects!


Friday 20th of March 2020

Oh I feel for you. I did send to our DIL/ son your post on things to do. Thank you for the list. She has a 6-3 -16month old. Wish we could help out but shouldn’t. My husband is home as well and when a conference call comes along the doors are shut but the dog barking is still heard. Keep telling myself— Faith not Fear, one day at a time and lots of prayers.