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3 Things I’m Working On In 2023

I love the fresh start to a new year. I love a renewed enthusiasm for purposeful changes. And I love the energy that comes from creating new rhythms and healthy routines.

It’s only been a few weeks, but one of the biggest changes I’ve made so far this year has been getting up much earlier than my kids. Those quiet hours leading up to the morning school routine have been absolutely glorious. My brain isn’t running in a million directions yet, my thoughts are more clear, and I’m freed up to be more creative.

So I’ve started journaling which has been a really fun exercise for me. I oftentimes get so caught up in the day-to-day that I rarely slow down and take the time to explore my thoughts, dream up plans and goals, and reflect on all the things I’m grateful for.

With these new morning hours, I’ve had more capacity to think about areas of my life I want to give a little more focus to. And the areas with room for improvement include using my time more efficiently throughout the day, prioritizing my health, and resting as a family.

Here’s a deeper dive into these 3 areas…

1. Breaking The Multitasking Habit

I’ve always considered myself a decent multitasker. I often can be found answering an email with my right hand while using my left hand to move clothes from the washer to the dryer. I usually have one million projects, chores, and browser tabs I’m working on at one time. And I’m easily distracted just by passing through a room while on a mission to complete whatever I’m working on. I may be putting away a stack of laundry when I realize I NEED to clean Sprinkles cage before I go back downstairs. And while I’m downstairs I may as well unload the dishwasher. And make the kids lunches while I’m drying off the lunch boxes. And the next thing I know it’s time to pick up the kids and I’ve got incomplete tasks everywhere. Oftentimes, at the end of the day this can lead to feeling like I’ve accomplished very little and frustrated.

I recently came across a study that shared how researchers have proven how constantly switching tasks often leads to decreased focus, weakens your memory, and stresses your brain when you’re bombarding it with new information. Apparently, the majority of us are actually not as capable as we think at effectively multitasking (ahem, ME!).

While this is going to be a difficult habit to break, this year I’m hoping to practice scaling back on the number of tasks I’m working on at one time. I know it’s going to be challenging for me to focus on checking one thing off the list at a time, but I’m hoping I can get better each day!


2. Strength Training & Prioritizing Protein

Last fall Matt and I enrolled in a wellness program to investigate some health concerns, as well as help us with some health goals.

As part of the onboarding process, our physician drew a ton of blood and ran a slew of health, fitness, and nutrition tests, which unveiled some surprising results. If this sounds familiar, this is the appointment I mentioned where we uncovered some vitamin deficiencies, hormone imbalances, and food sensitivities (gluten, dairy, and eggs are big ones for Matt).

Anyway, one of the scans we completed was a DEXA scan (bone density test) and I was shocked to receive a pretty alarming bone density report. Thankfully, it’s something I can improve with strength training, a high protein diet, and the most ginormous and disgusting bone health pill supplements. The goal my doctor set for me feels pretty lofty, but she wants me to work on gaining 10 pounds of muscle. It’s been challenging for sure, especially with a setback from the holiday season/winter break, but it’s something I’m really working to prioritize.

Thankfully, I found Burn Bootcamp last summer and try to attend 3-4 camps a week. The trainers have been hugely helpful in pushing me to work hard and I really love the workouts!

3. Snooze Days

This year we’re prioritizing rest and scheduling more Snooze Days! Between sports, activities, and travel, we are always on the go. But this year we’re taking a closer look at our calendar each month and being more intentional about blocking off days for rest and resetting.

Alright, let’s do this 2023!

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Kelly Franks

Monday 23rd of January 2023

I'm super interested in the "overall health" aspect you are referencing. I feel like I go to so many different doctors for so many different things and they all have differing opinions. I would love to go to one doctor and address ALL THE THINGS. Is this your PCP or is it a different provider?


Tuesday 24th of January 2023

Exactly how I felt too. I was running from doctor to doctor trying to figure things out and it was frustrating and took a lot of time to get appointments. I still have my PCP, but separately am in a wellness program that focuses on disease prevention and age management -- very vitamin, supplement & nutrition focused, quarterly hormone testing, etc. Shoot me an email if you want me to send you the info!


Monday 23rd of January 2023
