Sharing a few of my favorite items from Amazon this month…
But first, here were the top 10 reader best-sellers this month:
- Mosquito Repellent Patches
- Swim Ear Water Drying Aid
- Garlic Twister
- Tennis Skirt
- Over-the-Door Hat Holder
- Nutrafol Hair Growth Supplement
- Sidewalk Chalk Paint
- One Piece Colorblock Cutout Swim Suit
- Shower Filter
- No Show Socks

Sidewalk Chalk Paint
Caroline received this sidewalk chalk paint kit for her birthday and I cannot tell you how big of a hit it has been. Last weekend we had friends over and all the girls had a blast painting the driveway for hours.
The kit it easy to use — all you do is mix the chalk with water and paint it on! The girls used painters tape to create a design and then experimented with and without water (pictured below), but the water mixed chalk paint looked even more beautiful.
It has been so fun pulling in and out of my colorful and happy driveway all week! I highly recommend this paint kit for a fun outdoor summer activity or gift for a birthday!
Scalloped Rug
I shared our new scalloped jute rug from Amazon earlier this week and y’all loved it too! Not only is it super cute, but it is SO easy to clean!!! I just run the vacuum over it and it sucks up all the dirt and mulch that the kids track through this hallway a million times a day.
If you’re worried about your rug slipping around, I highly recommend grabbing a pack of these famous Rug Grippers. We have them on all our rugs and they work super well.
Dr. Teals Body Wash (NEW SCENT!)
Y’all know my love for Dr. Teal’s runs deeeeeep and one of my absolute favorite products is the body wash. And the new lemon balm scent is SO divine. I absolutely love it. You can find it at Walmart, Ulta or Amazon (cheaper, but only available in bulk).
Mosquito Repellent Patches
One of my very best purchases from last summer. I am a mosquito magnet and one of my readers swore by these so I decided to give them a try. And holy moly they work SO well. We even used them for camping in the woods! If we’re playing at the park or in a backyard, I’ll stick a patch or two on the back of the kids’ shirts to help keep them mosquito-free. And if you see me outside this summer, you better believe I’ll be sporting a few green dots too.
Clothing-Safe Insect Repellent
I received this recommendation from another mama last summer when we sent the kids to sleepaway camp! I had no clue if our kids were going to be diligent about using their bug spray at camp so I used this clothing-safe insect repellent on both of kids’ clothes, shoes, and outdoor gear! And it worked REALLY well.
Bug Bite Thing
I’ve been using this suction device for years on myself and the kids. It’s a natural way to extract venom/saliva from bug bites to alleviate itching/stinging. AND IT WORKS, but you have to use it right away (like right when you feel the first itch come on), otherwise, it’s too late to be super effective. You can also use it to remove stingers and relieve swelling. Cannot recommend this enough. During summer, I actually keep one in my purse, my trunk, and in our medicine drawer.
Swim Ear Water Drying Aid
This is a PSA for all swim team mamas! I wanted to re-share one of our favorite pool bag items — Swim Ear Water Drying Aid. These drops came highly recommended to us after both kids got swimmers ear a few summers ago and we’ve been using them ever since! Every night after swim team practice, we put a few drying aid drops in the kids’ ears to avoid ear infections (both of our kids are super prone to ear infections too).
Portable Touchscreen TV Monitor
We recently purchased this portable TV and absolutely LOVE it. It is basically a combination of a TV and a tablet and has a touchscreen display and a solid built-in battery. It also has a wheel base so you can roll it anywhere you want — and it comes with a remote. We originally purchased ours for our bedroom, but have been moving it all around the house (like the laundry room while I fold laundry and the back porch on the weekends)! And you can stream or mirror content from your phone, tablet, etc.
Anyway, it does go out of stock quickly (and for long periods of time) but it’s finally restocked so I wanted to share!
OPI Polly Want a Lacquer Nail Polish
I have been loving this gorgeous periwinkle nail polish color — OPI Polly Want a Lacquer! I bought it last year and wore it so much and just pulled it back out for spring!
Popcorn Boxes
I recently re-ordered another pack of popcorn boxes! I’ve been buying these in bulk for a few years now and love to save them for special times — usually sleepovers, rainy day movie marathons, extra special family movie nights, Snooze Days, etc. Yes, it’s just a popcorn box, but the kids always go so wild when I surprise them with their popcorn in a “fun box!” It’s the little things!
I have this tablecloth in several colors/patterns and love it so much.
Pleated Tennis Skirt
I’ve shared this skirt before but it’s from Amazon and looks almost identical to the Lulu version which is double the price. It’s mid-rise, comfortable, has built-in shorts, a zippered back pocket, and comes in a rainbow of colors.
Crispy Rainbow Sprinkle Gummy Bears
I cannot stop eating these. Our entire family loves them so I have to hide my stash. Y’all, they are SO good. Caroline said they taste kind of like Nerds ropes, but sweeter and less tart. They have the perfect balance of crunchy and sweet. And although I rate these a 10/10, they still tie with chocolate-covered gummy bears for me.
Portable 3-in-1 Charger
I shared this on IG stories earlier this week and wanted to reshare it in case you missed it because this portable 3-in-1 charger is awesome. I originally purchased it for traveling since it folds up tiny and combines 3 chargers into one, but I actually use it all the time. I also love to throw it in my laptop bag when I’m getting work done at coffee shops and need to recharge my devices.
Below are the posts from May that include round-ups of lots of Amazon items!
Hair Growth Products
All of these items can be found on Amazon!
Summer Essentials for Your Car
Highly recommend checking out this post!! It’s full of amazing items for your car that you’ll love to have this summer!
My Tennis Gear Favorites
Including this in my round-up since so many of these items were purchased from Amazon!
Wednesday 31st of May 2023
Hi Monica! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this feedback with me and for reading along all this time! I truly appreciate it! I am constantly evaluating my content to find a good balance of personal posts, shopping favorites, sponsored content, etc. I've been polling my audience more often to see what sort of content to plan for and it always seems there's a split across all categories -- "more recipes! less recipes!" and "more Amazon finds! less Amazon finds!" etc. I am definitely guilty of sharing the same items over and over -- mostly because they are the items I truly love and use, but I am going to do a better job of finding new things to share! Thank you again! xo Christina
Wednesday 31st of May 2023
Is there any way to maybe do a *tiny bit* less on the Amazon favorites? I love your recommendations and have purchased many things via your links, which I am very happy to do; it's just starting to feel like every other post between the site and IG, and it's honestly a lot of the same items over and over. For the first time in years it's making me feel a little ick. And for the record, I totally get that you earn an income this way and believe that is very well-deserved!! Signed, a long-time reader who loves your "old-school" and authentic blog. <3