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Weekend Rewind | June 2017

It was too good of a weekend not to recap! A few highlights… 
Friday I scooped up the kids from school early and surprised them at home with swimming pools. During my Target run earlier that day I had determined that two pools (in the exact same color) would be the better decision with two wild toddlers. I am happy to report we suffered 50% less slide collisions with two pools vs one.

 The kiddos may or may not have had watermelon and ice pops for dinner and been bathed by hose.

Caroline wrapped up her first (and last for a very long time) soccer season! Soccer started off really fun…the first few Saturdays but Caroline quickly lost interest and spent most of her soccer games sitting on the sidelines digging through all the bags looking for snacks, chasing her friends off the field and up the nearby hill and sticking around till the end for the post-game participation stickers.

 Following her last “game,” Caroline’s extremely patient soccer coach presented each player with a water bottle and certificate of completion, which made me seriously laugh considering Caroline participated in about 7% of the season.

To celebrate more free time in our upcoming Saturdays we took the kiddos out for donuts after the soccer finale.
Our naptime project for the next 543923235 weekends is painting our new bookshelves in our family room! Truly a labor of love, we managed to get through 25% of the primer coat over the course of two naptimes this weekend. Small victories!

On Sunday we received a call from our tenants informing us that the tree in the front yard split in half. So that was awesome. Such is life with a rental property.

Remember her? Ahhh, the memories!

After meeting the tree guy for an estimate we decided to drown ourselves in chips & queso at one of our favorite restaurants in our old hood.

We ended the weekend with a super fun evening celebrating Caroline’s best friend, Austin!

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Monday 22nd of October 2018

Good Job man.


Monday 12th of June 2017

Nice photo,very lovely. gclub online goldenslot gclub casino

مصطفى شعبان

Wednesday 7th of June 2017

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Owen Davis @ Davis Duo

Tuesday 6th of June 2017

Caroline's soccer season sounds hilarious! Making memories that's for sure! :)

Caley-Jade Rosenberg

Monday 5th of June 2017

Loving the Summer pics already!!!! x